The part of speech for the following words: cat, hat, school, boy
What is a noun?
This punction is at the end of sentence that states something.
What is a period?
What part of the sentence is this:
barked loudly at the stranger.
What is a predicate?
a word that is used to join similar ideas
What is and?
_______ I go to the bathroom?
What is may?
In this sentence, meowed is this part of speech.
The cat meowed loudly.
What is a verb?
This punction should be placed at the end of the following sentence:
Can you please read the book to me
What is a question mark?
What part of the sentence is this:
The slithering snake
What is the subject?
a word that joins a sentence that gives a choice
What is or?
She _____ lift a heavy box.
What is can?
This part of speech describes a thing.
What is an adjective?
When you want to express excitement, you use this.
What is an exclamation mark?
What the sentence is about
What is a subject
a word that joins a sentence to give cause and effect
What is so?
You _______ to find your glasses.
What is need?
Person, place, thing or idea
What is a noun?
What is the missing punctuation in this sentence?
I can't wait to eat turkey stuffing and pie.
What is a comma?
What the subject is doing
What is a predicate?
a word that joins a sentence that gives a reason why
What is for?
They ______ follow the rules.
What is must?
a word used to describe an action
What is a verb?
What is the missing punctuation in this sentence:
The train pulled up to the station at 10:00pm
What is a period?
What part of the sentence is this?
went swimming at the pool
What is predicate?
what is a words connect other words, sentences or phrases
What is a conjunction?
He _____ do his homework later.
What is will?