Sentence Fragment
What is a group of words that is not a sentence?
2 types of pronouns
What are subjective and objective?
What tells you when the action is happening?
What is a person, place, thing, or idea
What directs verbs by telling us how, when, or where?
____ sentences can be fixed by adding a punctuation, conjunction and comma, or semicolon.
What is run on?
subjective pronoun
What acts as the subject in the sentence?
Irregular Verbs
What changes the words that move between tenses?
Possessive noun
What is a noun that tells us that something belongs to someone or something?
This is an example of adverbs that tell _____ something happens.
Mom left for work early this morning.
What is when? (she left early)
What is missing: Ran away.
What is subject?
Objective pronoun
What receives the action of the verb?
When a verb is 1._____, it means the action already happened.
When a verb is 2._______, it means the action is happening now.
When a verb is 3._______, it means the action will happen later.
What is 1. past, 2. present, 3. future?
Rewrite as possessive nouns.
A jacket that belongs to my friend.
What is my friend's jacket?
This is an example of adverbs that tell _____ something happens.
Darian is napping downstairs on the couch.
What is where? (downstairs on the couch)
This is a _______ sentence.
We wanted to go to the store we decided to stay home instead.
What is a run on?
I, you, he, she, it, we, they
What are subjective pronouns?
Past tense of these verbs:
1. sing
2. see
3. go
What is sung, saw, went?
This is needed to show ownership or belonging to someone or something.
What is an apostrophe?
A sentence that has an adverb that tells how something happened.
What is _______?
3 things to make a complete sentence.
What are a subject, predicate, and a complete thought?
Identify the type of pronouns and tell me what they are in this sentence.
Hunter and I were playing, and Braxton was chasing us.
What is I (subjective) and us (objective)?
The verb types presented in each of these sentences:
1. Ben will be eating ice cream after school.
2. Skylar saw a giant bird fly across the night sky yesterday.
What are past verb (will eat), (saw), and present (fly)?
The possessive nouns in this paragraph.
Sarah’s backpack was filled with books, but she couldn’t find Emily’s notebook. She checked under David’s desk and inside the teacher’s cabinet, but it was missing. Finally, she spotted it on the librarian’s table next to the school’s lost and found box.
What are six possessive nouns: Sarah’s, Emily’s, David’s, the teacher’s, the librarian’s, and the school’s?
The number and types of adverbs in this paragraph:
Liam carefully placed his project on the table. He quickly checked to make sure it wasn’t crooked. His friend Mia happily walked over and said, “You did an amazing job!” Liam smiled proudly and thanked her sincerely.
What are the adverbs in this paragraph are: carefully, quickly, happily, proudly, and sincerely?