what is the difference between essential and non-essential clause?
essential clause - cannot be removed from the sentence. usually have "that"
non-essential - can be removed from the sentence. not important
In 2000, Nora de Hoyos Comstock, herself an owner of a successful consulting firm, sought to increase Latina representation in corporate ______ founded Las Comadres para las Americas, an international community that for over two decades has served as a resource and information network for Latina business professionals.
A. settings she
B. settings, she
C. settings and she
D. settings. She
D. setting. She
what is a strong transition?
a transition that cannot be separated with comma
i liked this book, however, the ending was boring(mistake)
i liked this book; however, the ending was boring.
i liked this book. However, the ending was boring.
in which cases we use colons?
1) lists
2) explanation, "bonus" information
In 1959, marine biologist Dr. Albert Jones founded the Underwater Adventure Seekers, a scuba diving ______ that is the oldest club for Black divers in the United States and that has helped thousands of diving enthusiasts become certified in the field.
A. club
B. club,
C. club—
D. club, and
when do we use dashes?
when is it allowed to use a colon?
when the sentence before a colon is complete/independent
In 2017, artists Isabel and Ruben Toledo redesigned the costumes and sets for The Miami City Balletʼs production of The ______ to reviewers, the Toledosʼ designs helped infuse the production with elements of Miamiʼs Latin American culture.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A. Nutcracker according,
B. Nutcracker, according
C. Nutcracker according
D. Nutcracker. According
what are the three ways to separate 2 independent clauses?
although, when, if
what's common between these 3 words?
subordinating conjunction. introduce dependent clauses
In 2018, the innovative works of Congolese sculptor and architect Bodys Isek ______ were featured in City Dreams, a solo exhibition at New Yorkʼs Museum of Modern Art.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A. Kingelez;
B. Kingelez,
C. Kingelez
D. Kingelez:
what is comma splice?
when two independent clauses are not separated correctly
example: i love reading, i spend hours in library(comma splice mistake)
In paleontology, the term “Elvis taxon” gets applied to a newly identified living species that was once presumed to be extinct. Like an Elvis impersonator who might bear a striking resemblance to the late musical icon Elvis Presley himself, an Elvis taxon is not the real thing, ______ is a misidentified look-alike.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A. however but it
B. however it
C. however, it
D. however. It