What's that Word?
Rules, Rules, Rules
Part One: Find the Errer
Part Two: Find the Error's
One ring to "rules" them all..
When a word or phrase communicates the same idea but uses different words.....
What is "redundancy"
When you want to show that a singular noun owns something, what do you do?
What put an 's on it.
There are a great deal of items that appear to be stolen which I can't give any sort of decent explanation of my possession of them, which is curious, to say the least. Name the main problem in this sentence?
What is "wordiness". Ex. Cut "There are"; replace "a great deal" with "many"; "appear to be stolen" with "stolen". Cut "any sort of decent" and "to say the least".
He is always making predictions about the future. What is redundant in this sentence?
What is "predictions" = "about the future". Just use one!
The rule about wordiness is...
cut any words that don't need to be there.
When there is just one noun, it is called ______; When there are two or more, it is called ______.
What is singular and plural, respectively.
When you start a sentence with a list of nouns, you need to use me to separate them from the explanation about them.
What is a "dash"?
Freemyer and Rindone's pants matched.
What is "Freemyer's and Rindone's" because the own separate pairs of pants.
The tail was wagged by the dog. Reframe this sentence in the active voice.
What is "The dog wagged its tail."
When two people in a sentence both own something together, what do you do?
Put an 's after the second person mentioned.
A ______ is when you shorten two words, connected with an apostrophe.
What is a "contraction".
You need to put a ________ on the end of a noun when it is plural and it owns something.
What is an s'.
Honestly, baby, its not my fault.
What is "a missing apostrophe in "it's".
Its best for you to keep your filthy paw's off Aarons' sandwich.
What is "Its" needs an apostrophe- "It is". No apostrophe in "paws". There is only one Aaron, which = Aaron's.
Do you use an apostrophe after a possessive pronoun? Bonus points: name all of the possessive pronouns.
What is "no". Possessive Pronouns include: My, your, his, hers, its, ours, their
I replace a noun that owns something.
What is an "possessive pronoun".
The second reason one would use dashes is.....
What is "when a phrase interrupts the sentence, use a dash on both sides of the interrupter.
The best students those who aren't afraid to fail usually have more successful careers.
What is "missing dashes on both sides of "-those who aren't afraid to fail-".
Jacksons' first priority is to lose weight. What is wrong with this sentence.
First, Jackson is singular and needs an 's. Second, it is redundant to say "first" and "priority". The idea of "firstness" is already in the word "priority".
When you want really want to emphasize an interruption in the sentence, use these to set it off. Bonus: if you don't want to emphasize the interruption, use these instead.
What are "dashes". Bonus: What are "commas".
A _______ is a sentence that can stand alone; A ______ is a sentence that can't.
What is a "independent" clause and a "dependent" clause, respectively.
One way to avoid wordiness is to use active voice rather than passive voice. What is the difference? (Examples can earn points too)
What is "active voice is when the subject of the sentence is doing the action". Passive voice is when the subject is being acted upon. Mr. Freemyer carries Abraham. = Active Abraham is carried by Mr. Freemyer. = Passive
Both Evan and Lane Freemyer's families are coming to the reunion.
What is a missing apostrophe after "Evan" because they both individually possess families.
Rindone is prevented from mastering his Warlock stage of his Dungeons and Dragons training by his inability to remember the 12 Special Curses. What does this sentence sound like in the active voice?
What is "Rindone's inability to remember the 12 Special Curses PREVENTS him from mastering the Warlock stage.
Freemyer is serving cabbage for St. Pat's day. What is the rule for shortening this sentence?
What is change tense from present progressive to present OR get rid of the helping verb "to be".