Subject-Verb Agreement
Verb Tense
Plural nouns alone ___ ___ use apostrophes.
What is do not?
Use a comma to separate lists of ___ or more items, adjectives, etc.
What is three?
A semicolon is used to connect and separate two ___ thoughts at the same time. So basically, you have what could be two ___ sentences, but you decide to combine them into one sentence.
What is complete?
Subjects need to agree with their ___.
What is verbs?
Verb tense tells us ___ the action of a story takes place.
What is when?
When a singular noun owns something, we add an ___ then the letter ___.
What is an apostrophe then the letter s?
Use a comma to offset an ___ word or phrase from the main part of the sentence.
What is introductory?
Since it is technically one sentence, you ___ ___ capitalize the word after the semicolon (unless it would normally be capitalized on its own, like a person's name).
What is DO NOT?
Both subjects and verbs can be either ___ or ___.
What is singular or plural?
In general, try to avoid ___ verb tenses. In other words, if a story is about the past, use all past tense verbs.
What is switching?
When making a plural noun that already ends in s possessive, we add an apostrophe ___ the s to show that it is both plural AND possessive.
What is AFTER?
Use a comma to offset an ___ or parenthetical expression from the main part of the sentence.
What is interruption?
When using a semicolon, the two halves of the sentence should be ___ in some way.
What is related?
Subjects of sentences are never parts of ___ ___.
What are prepositional phrases?
When trying to determine what tense a verb should be written in, notice the tense of ___ ___ ___ in the paragraph.
What is the other verbs?
Rewrite the following sentence, correcting any errors: According to legend, in 1945, Billy Goat Tavern owner Billy Sianis brought a goat to Wrigley Field, the Cubs home field, during a World Series game against the Detroit Tigers.
What is Cubs'?
When joining two ___ thoughts with a conjunction, place a comma before the conjunction. NEVER use a comma alone to join two ___ thoughts.
What is complete?
Rewrite the following sentence, correcting any errors: 50 Cent is best known for his rap career what many fans may not realize, though, is that he made a lot of his fortune in the stock market.
What is 50 Cent is best known for his rap career; what many fans may not realize, though, is that he made a lot of his fortune in the stock market.
ACT rarely places subjects and verbs ___ ___ ___; that would be way too easy! They want you to assume that the verb should agree with the noun directly before it, but that may not be the case.
What is side by side?
When trying to determine what tense a verb should be written in, look for ___ ___ clues that will provide hints as to the tense in which the passage should be writeen.
What is time order?
Rewrite the following sentence, correcting any errors: However, fans were disgusted by the goat's odor and park officials ordered it's removal.
What is its?
Rewrite the following sentence, correcting any errors: Thomas Suarez a twelve year old boy is the CEO of his own smartphone apps corporation.
What is Thomas Suarez, a twelve year old boy, is the CEO of his own smartphone apps corporation.?
Rewrite the following sentence, correcting any errors: Rapper 50 Cent's name may imply that he's low on cash; but his fans know otherwise.
What is Rapper 50 Cent's name may imply that he's low on cash, but his fans know otherwise.?
To determine if a sentence has subject-verb agreement, follow these steps: 1. Find the ___. 2. Then, locate your ___. Keep in mind that there may be more than one ___ in a sentence---find the one that directly relates to the subject. 3. Determine if your subject is ___ or ___, then select the verb that agrees.
What is 1. Find the subject. 2. Then, locate your verb. Keep in mind that there may be more than one verb in a sentence---find the one that directly relates to the subject. 3. Determine if your subject is singular or plural, then select the verb that agrees.
Rewrite the following sentence, correcting any errors: The ominous atmosphere of Friday the thirteenth has been catching on in the eighteenth century.
What is The ominous atmosphere of Friday the thirteenth caught on in the eighteenth century.