What two things does a complete sentence have to have?
Subject and Verb (action)
What does it mean when a noun is possessive?
Shows ownership
What does singular mean?
What does an adjective do?
Describes a noun
What grade comes after 1st?
2nd grade
Is this sentence complete?
The orange cat sprinted away.
(bonus points for naming the subject and verb)
Yes (subject cat, verb sprinted)
Is the underlined noun plural or possessive?
The student's work is neat.
What does plural mean?
Two or more
Name an adjective for an ice cube.
cold, wet, etc.
Why do we have no school next week?
Spring Break
The dog's collar.
(bonus points for naming the subject or verb)
No (subject dog, no verb)
Is the underlined noun plural or possessive?
The zebras are at the watering hole.
How would you make this noun plural:
cats (add -s)
Name and adjective for an apple.
red, juicy, etc.
What are the school's 3 rules?
Productive Work, Safe and Clean, Share Space
My school is the best!
(bonus points for naming the subject and verb)
Yes (subject school, verb is)
Would a plural or possessive noun best complete this sentence? (noun is girl)
The ________ jacket is pink.
possessive (girl's)
How would you make this noun plural:
stitches (add -es)
What is the adjective in this sentence:
The fluffy dog ran at me.
Name all of the 1st grade teachers.
Ms. Chronister, Ms. Chapman, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Kaplan, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Sands, Ms. Zimmerman
Turn this sentence fragment into a complete sentence using an adjective as well.
The lemon.
sentences may vary
Would a plural or possessive noun best complete this sentence? (noun is hamster)
There are two ________ in first grade.
What is the plural noun in this sentence:
My teacher's library is full of books.
Name all three of the adjectives in this sentence:
My little sister is nice. She lets me use her sparkly pens.
little, nice, sparkly
What is the name of our school's mascot?
Big Blue