Ella camina con su perro todos los dias
She walks with her dog every day
Tu no estas yendo a cartagena
you aren't going to cartagena
Yo viaje a Santa Marta el año pasado
I traveled to Santa Marta last year
Ella ha estudiado para el examen
She has studied for the test
Ellos escriben una carta para sus padres
They write a letter for their parents
Yo estoy comiendo mucho
i am eating a lot
Yo arregle el carro de mi papa
I fixed my dad's car
Ellos han tirado todos los balones
They have thrown all the balls
I spend a lot of money on clothes
Ella esta cocinando una deliciosa pasta
she is cooking a delicious pasta
Ella barrio toda la casa
She swept the whole house
Tu has leido la revista completa
You have read the complete magazine
El siempre recuerda pagar los recibos
He always remebers to pay the bills
Ella esta buscando a su hermano
She is looking for her brother
Ellos apostaron todo su dinero
They bet all their money
Ella ha corrido desde que tenia 5 años
She has run since she was 5 years old
Tu no sabes como usar un computador
You don't know how to use a computer
Ellos estan haciendo un nuevo videojuego
They are making a new video game
Ella encontro todo lo que queria
She found everything she wanted
Yo he dormido toda la tarde
I have slept all afternoon