When do we use present tense continuous?
When something is happening right now.
He goed to school. Is it correct?
No, it isn´t.
When do we use "going to" tense?
When we have some plans to do...
I want stay up late. Is it correct?
No, it isn´t. I won´t stay up late.
Do we use present perfect now?
No, we don´t.
I am waking up at 6 am every morning.
Is it correct?
I wake up...
Translate: Keď som sa kúpala, zazvonil telefón.
When I was having a bath a phone rang.
She are going to have a party. Is it correct?
She is going to have a party.
What will you do when you finish school?
Answer according to participant.....I will + verb
Have you ever be in Japan? Is it correct?
No, it isn´t. Have you ever been in Japan.
Translate: Moja mama pracuje ako lekárka.
My mum works as a doctor.
Find the mistake: While they walked they were meeting a friend.
While they were walking they were met a friend.
Translate: Čo budeš pozerať v TV dnes večer?
What are you going to watch on TV tonight?
Will there be a life on other planet in 2024?
No, there won´t.
I haven´t had my breakfast yet.
Do she speak Spanish? Is it correct?
No, it isn´t. Does she speak Spanish?
What do you see yesterday? Is it correct?
No, it isn´t. What did you see yesterday?
Translate: V piatok ideme navštíviť starých rodičov.
We are going to visit our grandparents.
Translate: Myslím si, že v budúcnosti budeme menej šťastní.
I think in the future we will be less happy.
What have you done recently?
Answer for yourself: I have....
Adjectives of frequency in present simple:now, today, every day, usually, often, yesterday
find the mistakes!
now, today, yesterday
Translate: Čo si robil včera o 6 poobede?
What were you doing yesterday afternoon at 6?
Find the mistake: I am go to make a cake.
I am going to make a cake.
Name the adjectives of "future tense"
Tommorow, in future, next, then
What is the difference between the "gone and been"?
gone - somebody has gone to the shops and he/she is not back yet
been - somebody has gone somewhere and he/she is already back home