What is a word that means the same as another word?
A Synonym
What prefix means "not"?
What suffix is used to mean "full of"?
What is the base word in "happiness"?
What does the root "bio" mean?
Life or Living things
What do you call a word that describes a noun?
An adjective
What prefix means "before"?
What suffix means "the act of"?
What is the base word in "unhappily"?
The root "graph" means to write. Can you give an example of a word that contains this root?
Autograph, photograph, telegraph
What is the term for a word that has the opposite meaning of another word?
An antonym
What prefix means "again"?
What suffix means "able to be"?
What is the base word in "careful"?
What does the Latin root "audi" mean?
What is a group of words that expresses a complete thought?
A sentence
What prefix means "between"?
What suffix changes a noun to an adjective and means "like"?
What is the base word in "replay"?
If "tele" means far, what does the word "telephone" mean?
Sound from far away or to hear over long distances.
What do you call a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea?
A Noun
What prefix means "over" or "excessive"?
What suffix means "one who"?
What is the base word in "unbelievable"?
The root "spect" means to look. Can you name a word that uses this root and explain its meaning?
Inspect which means to look closely at something.