To the lighthouse is (all the farther, as far as) we will hike before lunch.
as far as
Although he was a musical genius, Mozart died penniless and was buried in a pauper's grave.
Although he was a musical genius -> died
In Israel, the jubilee year was celebrated once every fifty years.
In Israel - > was celebrated
Sara, did Julia give Katelyn some money to spend?
direct address
Coaxing the cat out of the tree took three hours.
gerund, noun
Old Mother Hubbard didn't have (anything, nothing) in her cupboard.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
where angels fear to tread -> rush
Peter was honored to be in the service of the King.
to be in the service of the King. -> was honored
Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, conquered the Persian Empire.
Riding through the night, Paul Revere warned the colonists.
participle, adjective
This works (best, better) of the two shampoos.
Good Christians will serve their Lord until He returns.
until He returns -> will serve
On Mount Carmel, Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal.
On Mount Carmel -> defeated
Alexis Romanov was a czar of Russia during the seventeenth century.
object of the preposition
The captain ordered, "We sail with the tide."
preposition, adverb
I (don't have, have) but one unchipped plate left in the set.
He didn't type as quickly as I.
as I -> quickly
The apostle Paul went through Macedonia to preach the Good News.
through Macedonia -> went
to preach the Good News -> went
She thought her placement test was too difficult.
predicate adjective
Karl Benz is credited as the first man to build an automobile.
infinitive, adjective
During the night, Drew's cough become (some, somewhat) worse.
Travis was more experienced at rappelling than I.
than I -> more
After His bodily resurrection and before his ascension, Jesus appeared to His followers many times.
After His bodily resurrection -> appeared
before His ascension -> appeared
to His followers -> appeared
Be slow to speak and quick to listen.
The Outer Banks, North Carolina, is a beautiful beach to visit.
infinitive, adjective