What is the first book in the Bible?
What process did God use to create everything?
The Big Bang Theory
What is the name of the first man and how was he formed?
Adam - God took dust and blew life into him
Who is the first women and how was she formed?
Eve - God took a rib from Adam and blew life into Eve
What was the only thing God asked of Adam and Eve?
Not to eat from the Tree of Life
Who convinced Eve to eat the apple from the Garden of Life?
The serpent - Satan
What stories are included in Genesis?
Creation, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel & Seth
How many nights did it rain on Noah's Ark?
40 days and 40 nights
What did God ask of Cain and Abel?
He asked them to bring an offering to Him
How did Noah know the rain was over and they could get out of the Ark?
He sent a dove and the dove returned with an olive branch
In what country was the Garden of Eden located?
Iraq, close to the Persian Gulf
Who were the first 3 children of Adam & Eve?
Cain, Abel & Seth
Why did Cain not find favor with God?
Because he brought his first crops not his best
What current country is Noah's Ark believed to have been in?
Saudi Arabia
What happened between Cain and Abel?
Cain killed Abel because God he was jealous of God's favor
What are the first 5 books of the Bible?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Who brought his best offering to God? Cain or Abel
What popular saying today is about Methuselah?
What son did God give Adam and Eve to help with the loss of Abel?
Seth, then they were to populate the earth
When God confronted Adam & Eve after they ate the apple, what was the 1st thing they did?
They covered themselves for they were naked, but now they were ashamed.
How old was Adam when he died?
930 years old
Who were Noah's first 3 sons?
Sheh, Ham Japheth
How old was Methuselah when he died and who's grandfather was he?
1,000 years, Noah's grandfather, Noah's father was Lamech.
Why did God tell Noah to build an Ark?
Because he was saddened that men were so evil and he regretted making man on earth