This Buckeye state is where Grammy was born and also delivered her first child.
What is Ohio
Referencing Grammy and the Dependents T-Shirt, this is the number of grandchildren plus the number of great-grandchildren Grammy has.
This color used as a symbol for wisdom, power, and nobility also happens to be Grammy's favorite.
What is purple.
This mythical creature was one of Grammy's favorite to collect.
What is a Unicorn
This hip, swingin', heart throb bumped into Grammy and never apologized. He was loved by many, but not Grammy!
Who is Elvis
This Iowa town, known for its heart, is where Grammy delivered her last set of twins.
What is Hartley
The number of children Grammy named starting with T minus the number of children Grammy named starting with D.
What is 4
During her last stay in California, Grammy and her husband John had safety as their top priority by operating this type of company.
What is an alarm company
These two activities, both starting with the letter B, were Grammy's all time favorite.
What is bowling and bingo (will also accept babies)
To fill her time as her last children left the nest, Grammy opened up this business in downtown Sanborn.
What is a bakery
This state is called home to most of Grammy's children.
What is Iowa
The number of siblings Grammy has minus the sets of twins she has birthed.
What is 2
Although she is often thought of as fearless, Grammy has a phobia scientifically named gephyrophobia, which is a fear of crossing this.
What is a bridge
Originally called "Dissected Maps", Grammy often spends her free time solving these.
What are puzzels
After catching some of her children engaging in a rebellious activity, Grammy attempted to persuade them from doing it again by having them eat this.
What is a cigarette
In alphabetical order, this is the list of states Grammy has lived in.
What is California, Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Tennessee
This is the number of legal husbands Grammy had divided by the number of pets she currently has.
What is 4
Before kickin' the habit, this cigarette was Grammy's favorite.
What is Virginia Slims Menthol Light 120s
This mix between Rummy, Hearts, and Poker was a game often played in the DiFranco family.
What is Tripoley
Nearly dying as a child for not knowing how to do this, Grammy made sure her children took these lessons.
What is swim
These are the states that all of Grammy's Decedents reside.
What is Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Minnesota, and California
The birth year of Grammy's dad minus the birth year of Grammy plus the number of kids that her fifth born has multiplied by the number of kids her last born has.
What is zero
This author, which was sometimes compared to Stephen King, was a favorite of Grammy's.
Who is Dean Koontz
These "adorable" collectable cherubs, which also share a name with a delicious ice cream treat, can be found all around Grammy's apartment.
What are Dreamsicles
This lotto prize was the biggest scratch off win awarded to Grammy, but too bad all her children had already left home!
What is a Minivan