In movie-making, CGI stands for this
What is Computer-Generated Imagery?
The fifth planet from the sun
What is Jupiter?
In the first round of a game of Jeopardy, there are this many Daily Doubles
What is one?
The MPAA movie rating of "G" stands for this
What is General Audiences?
This branch of mathematics deals with angles and triangles, and any related functions
What is trigonometry?
16:9 -- this ratio
What is widescreen ratio?
The hottest planet in our solar system
What is Venus?
In the Jeopardy round, the value of third-row clues
What is $600?
The next step up from TV-PG is this rating, with only a year difference between its movie counterpart
What is TV-14?
13 squared
What is 169?
This Pixar short about an intense chess game in the park came before A Bug's Life
What is Geri's Game?
The four gas giants in our solar system have these iconic features surrounding them
What are rings?
In the double Jeopardy round, the value of second-row clues
What is $800?
An R-rated movie isn't even the worst movie you can find -- there's a worse rating a movie can earn
What is NC-17?
This equation, (base x height)/2, is used to calculate the area of this shape
What is a triangle?
Most modern films and shows are shot at this framerate
What is 24 fps?
This planet in our solar system has 79 moons, Ganymede and Io among them
What is Jupiter?
The minimum value that can be wagered in a Daily Double
What is $5?
ESRB stands for this
What is Entertainment Software Rating Board?
The next number in the sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5. . .
What is 8?
Mickey Mouse's very first appearance was in this 1928 silent short film
What is Plane Crazy?
In Earth days, Mercury's year is this long, rounded up
What is 88 days?
Alex Trebek began hosting Jeopardy in 1984, taking over for this previous Jeopardy host
Who is Art Fleming?
In the Japanese video game rating system, CERO, games rated with a "D" are suitable only for this age and older
What is 17?
Solve for x:(x/2) + 4 = 8
What is x = 8?