This was the day of the week on March 1, 1935.
What is Friday
This is the correct process for running a wash.
What is add water to the drum, dissolve oxyclean in the water, add the clothes, add the detergent to the proper spot. Close the lid and run!
This was the first school where Grandma taught.
What is Green Lodge
Before heading out to fish, Grandpa McHugh kept his boat (and slept) in this location.
What is the Dorchester Yacht Club
Each year, Grandma works this many hours at Dedham Town Hall.
What is 150+
In 1935, a gallon of milk cost this amount.
What is 47 cents
Grandma begins her spring cleaning in this month.
What is February
Grandma attended these institutions for high school and college.
What are Holy Cross High School & Lesley College
Isabelle Boyle and Peter McHugh were married in this year.
What is 1928
Grandma meets for coffee with Pep on this day of the week.
What is Wednesday morning
First produced in 1935, this make and model became the longest-lasting SUV name in the U.S.
What is Chevy Suburban
During the middle of summer, a lawn should be mowed to this height.
What is the tallest setting, so the grass doesn’t burn.
In 1976, Grandma served as president of this organization.
What is The Parent Teacher's Association (PTA) of Dedham
This meal was served at Grandma and Grandpa’s wedding.
What is Turkey Dinner
The acronym P.E.P. stands for this.
What is People Enjoying People
Fred Astaire made this song, which was the most popular hit of 1935.
What is "Cheek to Cheek"
This is the most important thing to remember when serving dinner at home.
What is warming the plates!
It took Grandma this long to get to her high school.
What is 2 hours on the bus
Grandma and Grandpa’s first apartment was in this city.
What is Framingham
At age 88, this became Grandma’s favorite "gardening" tool.
What is a battery powered chain saw
Margaret and Patricia were among the top 10 baby names in 1935, holding these two positions.
What is 5th and 8th
When her kids were young, Grandma followed this weekly cooking schedule.
What is:
Monday - franks and beans
Tuesday - chicken and potatoes
Wednesday – hamburgers
Thursday - pork chops
Friday - fish
Of all the subjects she taught, these two were Grandma’s favorite.
What are reading and math
These ancestors of Grandma emigrated to Boston.
Who are Margaret and Murdock Boyle
Grandma has visited this many countries (can you name them?)
What is four (Ireland, Italy, France, Bermuda)