Grandma is exhausted after cleaning her entire kitchen, she finally has time to rest and unwind with her favorite channel. What channel is it?
Grandma is craving a late-night treat, what icecream is she grabbing out of the freezer?
What tree is in front of the Peach house?
Olive Tree!
What is Grammy's favorite childhood breakfast?
Scenario: Grammy sees a dog on the furniture.
HINT: one-word response/ten letters
Foot size doesn't matter, but in this case it does! What is Grandma Josie's shoe size?
8.5 wide!
Grammy cooks many delicious dishes, which is her favorite to prepare?
How many brothers and sisters does Grammy have?
13 siblings (8 boys & 5 girls)!
How old was Gram when she had the twins (Lupe & Benny)?!
19 years old!
Scenario: Grammy is in her mid-50's at the hair salon; what hair style is she asking from the stylist?
Grammy is a fashionista, what is her go-to animal print?
Leopard print!
Bryana, Eric, and Grandma Josie go out for brunch at Black Bear Diner. What does grammy order?
Chicken Fried Steak!
What are Grandma Josies parents names?
Luz & Guadalupe Estrada
We all know Grandma started driving when she was 13, but how old was she when she got her license?
Scenario: Tuesday morning, where can you find grammy?!
Remate/Flea market
Grammy is the most holy, who is her favorite saint to pray to?
Virgen de Guadalupé
Grammy is in the outskirts of her hometown, Livingston, and finds herself at the Westside Market. What does she order?
How many kids does gram have?
9 kids!
Grandma is a pro in the kitchen, but how old was she when she began cooking at Castle Air Force Base?
44 years old!
Scenario: Grammy gets a plane ticket to go anywhere in the world, whenever she wants, all expenses paid! Where does she go?!
What is grammy's favorite color?
Rustic Yellow!
Back in the day, 18-year-old Grandma Josie used to grab a six-pack of cold ones (beer) for 99¢. What beer did she get?
Grandma and ______ bought a light blue Impala in the 1950's. Which family member did Grandma buy the car with?
What was grandma's favorite pet (Moonshine) wanted for?
Killing cats & dogs :(
Scenario: Grammy wins the powerball; her tried and true betting platform. What is the first thing she buys?