Who birthed Grant during his birthday a few years ago?
Jordan Hendy
Name one city in Gielinor
What car does Grant drive?
Honda Civic
What hobby has Grant recently picked up and is going to concur?
Oil Painting
What planet are we on?
When Grant was little what did he always like to wear going out?
Stretchy sport shirts
Name one non combat skill in the game
Penny Board
What's Grants favorite Craft Store?
Hobby Lobby
Name two revolutionary telescopes in space currently.
Hubble and James Webb
What did Grant get hit by?
A Car
To max in this game it means?
Achieve 99 in all skills
How many speeds was Grant's bike in College? 150 bonus points if you say the way I rode it.
Singular, free wheel
Fixed is for ego bike repair people.
What is Grant's underrated skill in art?
How many planets are in our solar system? Pluto doesn't count
And that's how you spell?
What is the one cape that Grant will NEVER get?
Max Cape, takes about 150 days of game play to achieve
Grant does this everywhere he goes because he thinks doing it slow is inefficient.
Walk faster than average
I like to listen to medal music and hip hop while partaking in this hobby.
Exercise, bonus 100 points if the person who answered does 5 jumping jacks, 200 for 10 jumping jacks.
On what day was James Webb Telescope launched?
Christmas day 2021
When sitting down for a meal what does Grant always have to take?
Abby's Food Tax
How many skills are there in Runescape?
Name all the stats and countries Grant has traveled outside Florida (excluding driving through).
California, Ohio, Texas, Scotland, Netherlands, Mexico, Jamaica and Haiti
What is Grant's all time favorite hobby?
Name the two theories of nature that explain everything but contradict each other.
Quantum mechanics and General Relativity