E / S

What does "Mesopotamia" mean? 

Bonus 50 points for correct pronunciation :)

Land between the rivers



Describe the shape of a ziggurat

Bonus 50 points: Describe any additional physical features of a ziggurate

Pyramid shaped with many stairs leading to the top

Bonus: Sculptures for decoration, could include gardens


Name two inventions that made life easier for Mesopotamians

Wheel, sailboat, lunar calendar, chariot, bronze, and others!


What two leaders held the most power in Mesopotamian civilizations?

Kings and Priests


What is it called when there was more food than what was needed?

A food surplus


Mesopotamia was broken into many different areas consisting of the city and the countryside around it. What were these areas called?



Describe Polytheism

Polytheism is the belief in many gods


True or false: Mesopotamians were the first to develop a money system in order to make a profit from their surplus of crops

False: Mesopotamians bartered, or traded, their crops for other goods


Where did Mesopotamian political leaders get there power from? 

The gods


Name two types of jobs that people may have had in Mesopotamia besides farming.

Blacksmith, weaver, scribe, baker, potter, shipbuilder, etc. 


What two rivers surround Mesopotamia?

Bonus 50 points for correct pronunciation :)

Tigris and Euphrates


What did Mesopotamians believe would happen if they disappointed the gods?

They would be punished, perhaps with droughts or excessive flooding

Explain the benefit of irrigation for Mesopotamians

Irrigation brought controlled amounts of water from the flooded rivers to the crops via dug canals


What is the name of the first set of written laws?

Hammurabi's Code


Describe how Mesopotamian civilizations started a division of labor

Food surplus -> More food than needed -> Not everyone needed to be a farmer -> New skills could be learned -> New jobs were created


Describe WHEN the agricultural revolution happened and WHY it created places like Mesopotamia

Partial points will be awarded

The agricultural revolution started after the ice age

Since people learned to farm, they no longer had to (only) hunt and gather for food so they could stay in one spot. This created permanent cities and civilizations, like Mesopotamia. 


WHERE was a ziggurat located in a city-state and WHAT was its purpose?

Partial points will be awarded

A ziggurat is located in the city center

It is a temple designed to be the meeting place for people and the gods


What is the main difference between Cuneiform and the Phoenician alphabet?

Cuneiform has a symbol for each word

The Phoenician alphabet has a symbol for sounds and syllables


How many laws were in the first set of written laws?



What was the difference between men's and women's roles in Mesopotamian society. Provide more details than just who had more power. 

Men had more power, so they could go to work outside of the home and could go to school.

Women had less power, so they could only do housework and raise children. 


Name one other major body of water near Mesopotamia

The Mediterranean Sea

Persian Gulf

Caspian Sea


Name any of the gods and what they represented. 

Bonus 100 points for any additional gods named correctly (up to 3)

Enlil was the god of the air, god for the city of Nippur, and eventually was considered to be the most powerful god, also known as the King of the Gods.

Nanna one of the oldest gods of Mesopotamia, was the god of the full moon and wisdom.

Marduk was the key god in Babylon and was the god of justice and fairness, in addition to sometimes being known as the god of agriculture and storms.

Inanna a female deity, was worshipped at Uruk, and is the goddess of love and war.

Ninurta was a hero-god and originally a god of agriculture, but became the god of war and hunting after there was conflict about farmland.

Anu was the god of the sky and ruler of the heavens, and was one of the official gods of Uruk.

Enki was the god of wisdom, intelligence, and fresh water, among other things, and is linked to the city of Eridu.

Nergal was the god of death and destruction. People believed he caused crops to die with the sun’s intense heat.

Nabu was the god of wisdom, scribes, and writing.

Utu was the god of the sun, as well as justice.


What are all of the materials needed to write in Cuneiform?

Partial points will be awarded

Clay tablet & Reed stylus


What is a monarchy?

A system of government in which one ruler is in charge, such as a king or queen. 


Why is a triangle used to illustrate the concept of social hierarchy?

The people with the most power are at the top, but are the smallest group in society.

The people with the least amount of power are at the bottom, but are the largest group in society. 
