This type of graphic is pixel-based and can easily become blurry
Raster (bitmap)
This is what we call the color itself.
There are three basic types of this, like Serif, Sans-Serif, and Script.
Photoshop is this type of program, that lets you create and modify digital images.
This is a legal means of protecting a creator's work.
What is Copyright?
This type of graphic is easily scalable because it's made up of complex algorithms.
We use RGB mode for what type of artwork?
This is how many types of fonts you use in a design, and never any more.
Three or less.
This is the very top menu of Photoshop, including options like File, Edit, Image, Layer, Window, View, and Help.
Command Menu
Zoom In & Out
Command+ or Command-
An image, song, poem, photo, video, or character that may be used without any legal restrictions
Public Domain
RGB stands for this; a color mode meant for all digital screens.
This word refers to the lightness or darkness of an image on a grayscale. It can also be referred to as brightness.
This is even spacing between all text on a layer and can be adjusted in the Character Panel.
This is the most important panel in your Photoshop workspace.
Layers Panel
Change your cursor size on tools like Eraser, Brush and Quick Select.
Weird Al is able to get away with using other people's songs to create his own version with wacky lyrics, because his version is known as this; something Saturday Night Live also does often.
This refers to the sharpness of an image, meaning the number of pixels per one-inch square can make an image blurry or sharp.
This type of color mode is meant for all print media; when creating an image meant for print, you select DPI for your resolution and this color setting.
CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
This refers to the line that text orients towards. It can apply to paragraphs, words, or even images. Individual text layers can orient left, center, right or justified.
Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Color Balance, Filters, etc.
Adjustment Layers
Eyedropper Tool
Refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
Intellectual Property
This file format is native to Photoshop, meaning that when you save your image this way, you can later return to make changes to each of your layers.
PSD - Photoshop Document
Editing an image in RGB mode at a resolution of 72 ppi means this image is meant for this type of media.
This is the distance between individual letters; every space can be independently adjusted using the Alt key and the arrows on the keyboard.
These options, also known as Layers Styles, add cool effects to your layers in order to give your design added depth and includes types of shadows, glows and gradients.
Blending Options
Use this key when using the Eraser or Brush to draw clean lines, or when resizing an image to maintain proportion.
Fair Use
This is a type of image file that doesn't compress an image so much that it loses some color; it also allows you to create a graphic with a transparent background, meaning you can export without a box around it.
This is the brilliance of the color; when this setting is lessened, color is removed from a layer, making it gray.
This is the word that describes how we organize information in a graphic so that it's easily readable, scannable or absorbed by the audience. It includes a title, subtitle and paragraph style text, sometimes bullet points or quote.
To the left of your workspace, this panel is ESSENTIAL to creating anything in your canvas. You click on it!
Tool Panel
Remove marching ants from a selection
This is a non-profit company looking to expand how artists and creators can use more work from the collective, telling creators exactly how they can use another work.
Creative Commons