The following statistics for a data set:
Min, Q1, Med, Q3, Max
What is a five-number summary?
The shape of this distribution.
What is right skewed?
Some refer to this measure as the "middle number."
What is the median?
The difference Q3-Q1.
What is the interquartile range?
This distribution has the highest median value.
What is the distribution of heights for girls?
The average score on the last 6th grade math test.
What is an 85?
The correct description of this distribution.
What is normally distributed/roughly symmetric?
Also known as the average
What is the mean?
What is range?
The bookstore with the largest range in prices.
What is Bookstore A?
The smallest range of tip amounts Robin received.
What is 15-20 dollars?
The relationship between the mean and median in this distribution.
What is equal?
No statistic has more occurrences than this value.
What is the mode?
75% of data items are below this value.
What is a third quartile?
The distribution with the largest percentage of students 66 inches or shorter.
What is the distribution of heights for boys?
The number of students who did not eat breakfast.
What is 6 students?
The relationship between the mean and median in the distribution of household incomes.
What is mean > median?
An outlier can have a huge effect on this measure.
What is the mean?
The more accurate measure of spread for a roughly symmetric distribution.
What is the standard deviation?
On average, this genre of music has longer tracks.
What is Metal?
The statistics that are equal when a boxplot has no left whisker.
What are the minimum and Quartile 1?
The most accurate measures of center and spread to use when describing this distribution.
What are the median and IQR?
This number is the median of 10, 8, 6, 1, 3, and 2
What is 4.5?
The IQR for the distribution of park visitors.
What is 125 visitors?
On average, students in this class had a similar performance in the class.
What is Class 1?