The grasshopper belongs to this Kingdom.
What is Animalia?
The grasshopper's body is divided into these three main regions.
What are head, thorax, abdomen.
This saddle shaped structure covers the first two thoracic segments.
What is the pronotum?
What structure do female grasshoppers use to lay their eggs?
What is the ovipositor?
What are mandibulate mouthparts?
The grasshopper belongs to this phylum.
What is Arthropoda?
The grasshopper's head region contain these two external sensory organs.
What are eyes and antenna?
The pronotum is separated into these two regions by the principal sulcus.
What is the prozona and metazona?
These organs make up the grasshopper nervous system.
What are the brain, nerve cord, ganglia, eyes, antennae, and tympanum?
This organ acts like an ear drum.
What is the tympanum?
The grasshopper belongs to this class.
What is Insecta?
This body segment is the center of locomotion of the grasshopper.
What is the thorax?
This segment of the hindleg has spines used for gripping.
What is the tibia?
Where is the grasshopper nerve cord located?
What is ventrally?
This is organ stores the grasshopper's food temporarily.
What is the crop?
This is the order in which grasshoppers belong.
What is Orthoptera?
The leathery forewing on the grasshopper has this name.
What is tegmen?
This segment of the hindleg functions as a hip.
What is the coxa?
Where is the grasshopper's heart located?
What is dorsally?
This organ looks like fingers and assists in digestion.
What is the gastric caeca?
In the nested hierarchy of living things, study of the grasshopper would land here.
What is the level of organism?
The hindleg of the grasshopper has this function.
What is jumping?
The simple eyes of a grasshopper are termed this.
What are ocelli?
What organs of the grasshopper are involved in gas exchange?
What are the spiracles and tracheae?
These are akin to primitive kidneys and expel metabolic waste.
What are the Malpighian tubes?