What Tournament did I travel for this year ( I had the low score for the team one round , bonus if u guess the score)
Colonel Shootout
what is my dogs name
what's my favorite beer
what was my nickname beginning of the year
True or False
I am going to US open this year
What is my home course
(The International Junior Master is played there)
East aurora CC
True or False
I had a Great Dane named rex when I was 5
what is my favorite shot
what is my birthdate
feb 9th 2006
Where did my dad just travel to for work last month
(its on the left side of USA)
What is my lowest round ever (bonus if u guess where)
68 (-4) at OPCC
What type of fishes did I own when I was younger
Betta Fish
whats my go 2 bar drink
high noon, I keep it simple
what driver do I use
Titleist GT3
Where is our condo in Florida
Hint: its on the east coast, middle part
New Symerna Beach
When did I start top get into golf
2020 (covid)
What is my bearded dragon Lizards name
(Mac, Peter, John r the only ones who prob know)
What wine did I black out when drinking and ended up in a Bush on 4th of July
what does my dad do for his job
(bonus for company)
Medical Sales
(Inpaulse Dynamics)
where did Enzo and I go on a golf trip 2 years ago in Florida
(Hint: west coast)
What PGA tour player did I play with ( bonus if u guess which state and if u guess which course ) ps. its a top 5 course in this state
Jacob Bridgeman
South Carolina
Chanticleer CC
What is my dream pet to have
Sea otter
what was my first drink I ever had
Twisted Tea
What was my family's old last name before my great grandpa switched it
(super German)
What are my dream Golf travel destinations
(500 for each one u get, there is 4)
Bandon Dunes
The Ocean Course
Augusta National
Pine Valley