She's that girl with the pig and the braces, she puts smiles on everyones faces. When she's around you're never bored, If I was a mayor I'd give her an award!
Who is Mabel?
The object that Toby Determined pretends is a camera.
What is a cinderblock?
My ex wife still misses me, but her __ __ __ __.
- Grunkle Stan
What is "My ex-wife still misses me, but her aim is gettin' better!"?
Mabel's new boyfriend turns out to be a bunch of gnomes who want her to be their queen. Dipper finds a mysterious book in the woods.
What is Tourist Trapped, Season 1 Episode 1?
The soda everyone in Gravity Falls drinks! Its just sort of meh. (It includes a free choking hazard inside the cans with no extra charge!)
What is Pitt Cola?
This small 8 year old child is a very real psychic. He has a rivalry with Grunkle Stan and is always trying to steal the Mystery Shack.
Who is Gideon or Lil' Gideon?
The corn-related Mystery Shack attraction that Waddles eats.
Its funny how __ you are.
- Bill Cipher
What is "Its funny how dumb you are."?
Mabel wins a pig and Dipper goes back in time so that Wendy doesn't start dating Robbie.
What is Time Traveler's Pig, Season 1 Episode 9?
The one, the only chip flavored crackers! They taste just like chips.
What is Chipackerz?
A gnome that can only speak his own name.
Who is Shmebulock?
The message about coyotes that McGucket tells Mabel, Dipper, Soos and Wendy.
"Your math is no match for __ __, you idiot!"
- Stanford Pines
What is "Your math is no match for my gun, you idiot!"?
Mabel, Dipper, Soos, McGucket and Wendy discover a secret society that erases people's memories.
What is the Society of the Blind Eye, Season 2 Episode 7?
This is one of the amazing summerween candy that Grunkle Stan buys. It appears to be a red and gelatinous relaxation device.
What is Gummy Chairs?
One of the only "normal" people in Gravity Falls. He loves bread and has an ironic name.
Who is Tad Strange?
Dipper's real name.
What is Mason?
"Like the infinite __ it __ my grasp."
- Soos
What is "Like the infinite horizon it eludes my grasp"?
Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy discover the underground bunker of the author, and find a shape-shifter within. Dipper finally tells Wendy about his crush on her, and all viewers watching the show are relieved that it's finally over.
One of the candies that Grunkle Stan buys during Summerween. This lollipop shaped candy will leave your mouth feeling dry and like the beach.
What is Sand Pop?
The leader of the society of the Blind Eye, he has many tattoos on his head. His memory is wiped and he becomes a traveling banjo minstrel.
Who is Blind Ivan (or Toot Toot McBumbersnazzle)?
The run-over food Thompson ate for 50 cents off the road.
What is a waffle?
"No, my crime is a lot __ than that."
- Grunkle Stan
What is "No, my crime is a lot better than that."?
Grunkle Stan tells "Tales Designed to Sell my Merchandise" and we learn about the Horrible Hand Witch, Waddles becoming smart, and Mabel's phobia of clay animation.
What is Little Gift Shop of Horrors, Season 2 Episode 6?
The lumberjack-adjacent candy in the vending machines at the Shack. This is the candy that Dipper and Mabel are waiting for when their candy gets stuck in the vending machine. It also happens to be the name of a diner in town. It is a play on words.
What is Yumberjacks?