These small creatures of the forest have red pointy hats.
What is Gnomes?
Toby's last name.
What is Determined?
Mabel's zodiac or icon on the Cipher Summoning Circle™.
What is shooting star?
Dipper and Mabel have done it again with the help of the amazing grappling h-I mean Journal! They've been called this name by Soos and at first Dipper did not like the name at first but learned to accept it.
What is the Mystery Twins?
The symbol on Soos's shirt.
What is a question mark?
These horse-like creatures are very snooty and arrogant. They occasionally run scams.
What is Unicorns?
Pacifica's last name.
What is Northwest.
Soos's zodiac or icon on the Cipher Summoning Circle™.
What is question mark?
She is one of the main protagonists in Gravity Falls and has a pet pig. Her and the pig are a great pair.
What is Mabel and Waddles?
In the episode Blendin's Game, Soos is sad when Mabel and Dipper try to plan this for him.
What is a birthday party?
This many headed creature lives in a cave and loves Icelandic pop sensation "Babba".
What is the Multibear?
Wendy's last name.
What is Corduroy?
Wendy's zodiac or icon on the Cipher Summoning Circle™.
What Soos calls him and Dipper in Land Before Swine, Season 1, Episode 18.
What is Pterodactyl/P-terodactyl bros?
The place that Soos claims he learned almost everything he knows.
What is the arcade?
This all powerful evil creature is a news reporter in Gravity Falls.
Who is Toby Determined (or Bodacious T.)?
Soos's last name.
Gideon's zodiac or icon on the Cipher Summoning Circle™.
What is the pentagram/tent of telepathy symbol?
Dipper and the first clone he made of himself in Double Dipper, Season 1, Episode 7. He was the only one who understood.
What is Dipper and Tirone?
Soos's full name.
What is Jesus Alzamirano Ramirez/Jesus Ramirez?
This decapitated head of a wax figure lives in the Mystery Shack's walls.
Tyler's last name.
What is Cutebiker?
Grunkle Stan's zodiac or icon on the Cipher Summoning Circle™.
What is nobody really knows what it's called but Grunkle Stan's hat, Oyster, Fez, Shriner Symbol, or Fish eating tiny fish?
Mabel's pet pig and the goat that is seen frequently around the Mystery Shack. A couple of livestock living their lives stuck together in harmony. Truly America's greatest power couple.
Soos had this idea for a mascot for the Mystery Shack, but Grunkle Stan said he couldn't handle it.
What is Questiony the Question Mark?