MLB Facts
Fighter Jets
Coping Skills

Baseball became popular during which war?

World War 1

The Civil War

American Revolution

World War 2

The Civil War! Reporters described baseball as a mania back in the 1840s; the sport was already established as a popular pastime when Civil War soldiers on both sides played it as a diversion. Many veterans took the game home after the war and it became a great unifier in the years that followed the bloodiest conflict in U.S. history.


For me, it's not okay to feel ____

1. Mad

2. Nervous

3. Scared

4. None of these

None of these! ALL feelings are okay, even the hard or uncomfortable ones. What matters is what you do with the feeling (actions) and what you tell yourself (thoughts, self talk)

So if we say I shouldn't feel this way or I'm not allowed to feel a certain feeling, then we are shaming ourselves. And there is no shame in feeling, it's natural. 



Which fighter jet wqas named "World's Leading Distributor of MiG Parts" because it destroyed so many MiG fighters?

1. F4 Phantom II

2. Republic F-105

3. Convair F-102

4. AD Scout

The Phantom gathered a number of nicknames during its career. Some of these names included "Snoopy", "Rhino", "Double Ugly", "Old Smokey", the "Flying Anvil", "Flying Footlocker", "Flying Brick", "Lead Sled", the "Big Iron Sled", and the "St. Louis Slugger". In recognition of its record of downing large numbers of Soviet-built MiGs, it was called the "World's Leading Distributor of MiG Parts".

 As a reflection of excellent performance in spite of its bulk, the F-4 was dubbed "the triumph of thrust over aerodynamics."German Luftwaffe crews called their F-4s the Eisenschwein ("Iron Pig"), Fliegender Ziegelstein ("Flying Brick") and Luftverteidigungsdiesel ("Air Defense Diesel"). In the RAF it was most commonly referred to as “The Toom”


Even though we can't physically see emotions, our body reacts to feelings. What is one way you can cope with big feelings by using your body?

Lots of ways! Exercise: swimming, baseball, going for walks with Mom, dancing around, playing with friends outside. Deep breathing. 

By calming down the body, we can help calm down feelings and thoughts. 


What pitcher became the first player in history to play for 14 MLB teams, a feat accomplished within the first 17 years of his still-active career. 

Edwin Jackson

Mike Morgan

Octavio Dotel

Willie Gisentaner

In 2019, pitcher Edwin Jackson became the first player in history to play for 14 MLB teams, a feat accomplished within the first 17 years of his still-active career. The previous record was held by Octavio Dotel, also a pitcher. Dotel played for 13 teams during his 15-year MLB career.


Our body sends a message...

Identify which of these sensations happen to you when you feel angry. 


There are three main reactions to stress: fight, flight or freeze. One at a time, say which of the bubbles sounds like what you do when you are stressed or scared.


During which World War did Fighter pilot T. Kuznetsov flew himself home after being shot down by stealing a Nazi fighter plane. 

During WW2, Russian Fighter pilot T. Kuznetsov flew himself home after being shot down by stealing a Nazi fighter plane. The German pilot landed near his crash site to scrounge around the wreck to look for souvenirs.


____ is a state of being in the "here and now"- quieting the mind and just being present. This is a way to "pay attention to the world". 

1. Breathing

2. Mindfulness

3. Sleeping

4. Ocean Breathing

Mindfulness! You will continue to learn more about this throughout therapy. Let's look at the mindfulness worksheet and you can choose the next exercise we practice together. This is a great coping skill because you can do them anywhere, anytime. 


Who has the most world series appearances (and wins)?

Lou Gehrig

Bill Dickey

Yogi Berra

Frankie Crosetti

MLB Hall of Famer Yogi Berra holds the record for the most World Series appearances, as well as the record for most World Series wins. He played in 14 World Series and earned ten World Series rings as a New York Yankee. He was proud to point out that he had a World Series ring for every one of his fingers, a feat that no other player has accomplished.


What is something that happened this week that made you happy? What is something that happened this week that made you sad (or mad or anxious)? 


High and Low

What was your best and worst part of the week? 


Which aircraft was so fast, the designers did not even consider evasive maneuvers; the pilot was simply instructed to accelerate and out-fly any threat, including missiles?

A. Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker

B. The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

C. McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle

D. XB-70 Valkyrie 

The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird strategic reconnaissance aircraft was so fast, the designers did not even consider evasive maneuvers; the pilot was simply instructed to accelerate and out-fly any threat, including missiles


____ breathing is something we learned together and you took it home to try on your own. I'll give you double the points if you can show me how you use it AND how it helps you. 

1. Baby

2. Bubble

3. Basic

4. Bacon



Who won the first female MLB head coach?

If you need a hint, she worked for the San Francisco Giants. 

In July of 2020, Alyssa Nakken became the first full-time female MLB head coach, working for the San Francisco Giants. Nakken started working with the Giants in 2014 as a front office intern. She worked in other roles (player development, recruitment, international operations, and health/wellness) before moving to one of the team's assistant coach positions.


Let's take turns going to our happy place.  




In 1983, an Israeli pilot successfully landed an ___ with only one wing. In fact, he didn’t realize the extent of the damage until after landing, and stated he would have ejected had he known.

1. F-22

2. MiG 25

3. F-15

4. F-16

  • 1 May 1983: during an Israeli Air Force training dogfight, 106 Squadron F-15D 957 Markia Schakim (Sky soarer) collided with an A-4 Skyhawk. Unknown to pilot Zivi Nedivi and his copilot, the right wing of the Eagle was sheared off roughly two feet (60 cm) from the fuselage. The F-15 entered a controllable spin after the collision. Zivi decided to attempt recovery and engaged afterburner to increase speed, allowing him to regain control of the aircraft. The pilot was able to prevent stalling and maintain control because of the lift generated by the large horizontal surface area of the fuselage, the stabilators and remaining wing areas. The F-15 landed at twice the normal speed to maintain the necessary lift, and its tailhook was torn off completely during the landing during a failed attempt at using the emergency arresting gear installed on the runway to bring the aircraft to a halt. Zivi managed to bring his F-15 to a complete stop approximately 20 ft (6 m) from the end of the runway. He was later quoted as saying "(I) probably would have ejected if I knew what had happened."The A-4 was destroyed in the collision.

_____ is a way imagine in your mind that something good will happen in the future (this helps when you are catastrophizing!)

1. Deep thinking

2. Visualization

3. Meditation 

4. Yoga

Visualization! Our thoughts are powerful and effect our actions and feelings, too. Just because something CAN happen doesn't mean it WILL. That is anxiety / fear talking. 


Who is credited with the first hit and single in MLB history?

Candy Cummings

George Bradley

Oscar Bielaski

Jim O'Rourke


Jim O'Rourke was born on Sunday, September 1, 1850, in Bridgeport, Connecticut. O'Rourke was 25 years old when he broke into the big leagues on April 22, 1876, with the Boston Red Caps.


You are annoyed with school. You are also feeling anxious because you don't know what's going to happen because each day is a little different. You think to yourself I hate this school so much, this will never get easier, it's always so hard.

Give an example of a different way to think about it. 

When you use "always" and "never" it fuels the fire. It can make things feel hopeless or forever. The words we choose to use are important because they effect other areas of our lives. 

Activity needs color markers, pencils or crayons and a sheet of paper.


The F-22 and ________ have been pitted against each other in mock dogfights in the past. The second fighter proved to be surprisingly effective against the American Aircraft, and after such an encounter the USAF declared “they didn’t want to play any more” as a result.

1. F-35

2. F-16

3. Saab Jas 30 Gripen

4. Eurofighter Typhoon

Eurofighter Typhoon is the only Fighter in the world, to stand a fighting chance against the F-22 Raptor. At least until a fully operational PAK FA is available. Sadly the TVC variant of the Typhoon will probably never come true. It would just add even more to the price of the Typhoon and there isn’t really a demand for it. Anyways, the BVR combat is the only thing the F22 Raptor has got a major advantage through stealth. So the conclusion of this comparison is BS. Dogfight chances definitely depend on scenario. High subsonic speeds benefit the Typhoon. Everything else favors the F-22 Raptor. Eventually it would all depend on, where these two wold meet. If 1 on 1 in neutral airspace.


____ is what I need when I'm feeling overwhelmed, scared, upset, or hurt.

1. A long hug

2. Some time alone 

3. To talk it out and you to listen 

4. All of the above

There is no right or wrong answer! I am curious to hear what works for YOU. Everyone is different. We can't get rid of feelings, but we can do things to make us feel better in the moment. 
