Name the primary goal of mindfulness practice.
What is to encourage acute awareness of the present moment through the 5 senses?
Name the two sections of distress tolerance.
What are Crisis Survival and Reality Acceptance?
Name the goal of emotion regulation.
Name the 3 IPE priorities and their associated skills.
What are...
objective = DEARMAN
relationships = GIVE
self respect = FAST
Describe mentalizing.
What is to take a curious stance and better understand other people's perspectives (looking at yourself from the outside in or at others from the inside out).
Name the 3 mindfulness WHAT skills and 3 mindfulness HOW skills.
What are...
WHAT skills: observe, describe, participate
HOW skills: nonjudgmentally, one-mindfully, effectively
Name the 6 Crisis Survival skills.
What are...
STOP, TIPP, ACCEPTS, IMPROVE, Pros & Cons, & Self-Soothe
Name the three functions of emotions.
What are...
To communicate to others
To communicate to others
To motivate action
Explain the DEARMAN acronym.
What is...
Describe the situation, Express emotions, Assert wishes, Reinforce, Mindfully, Appear confident, Negotiate
Describe the difference between DBT and RO DBT.
What is DBT targets behaviors that are under controlled while RO DBT targets behaviors of overcontrol .
Name one skill from each of the other modules that requires mindfulness engagement.
What are...
DT: MOCT, Self-Soothe
Name the 6 Reality Acceptance skills.
What are...
Radical Acceptance, Half Smile, Willing Hands, Turning the Mind, Willingness, & MOCT
Describe the ABC PLEASE acronym.
What is...
Accumulate positives, Build Mastery, Cope Ahead
Physical iLlness, balanced Eating, Avoid mood-altering substances, balanced Sleep, balanced Eating
Explain dialectics.
Holding two opposing truths at the same time in an effort to avoid extremes and walk the middle path.
Name the SCREW acronym.
What is Solve the problem, Change your relationship to the problem, Radically accept the problem, Exacerbate the problem, Wallow in the problem.
Explain why mindfulness is considered the core of DBT.
What is...
because mindfulness is required in order to effectively engage with and make use of all other DBT skills.
What is...
Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One thing in the Moment, (brief) Vacation, Encouragement
Describe what it would look like to go opposite to shame.
What is full engagement/participation in the community and openness to vulnerability.
Explain the dime game.
What is weighing different factors in order to decide how intensely to as for or say no to something.
Describe what a schema is.
What are broad domains/thought patterns that influence how we view the world in a way which often interferes with our functionality?
Explain the three state of mind.
What are...
Emotion mind: increased impulsivity, "hot emotions."
Wise mind: synthesis of emotion and reasonable mind.
Reasonable Mind: logic and planning in the absence of emotions.
Name an example of when you might use pros and cons (clearly express what state of mind you create and use this skill in).
What is...
To make a thoughtful and informed decision between two options. Made in wise mind and referenced in emotion mind.
Describe riding the wave of emotions.
What is noticing emotions/thought/urges/judgments and not acting on or suppressing them but allowing them to run their course and eventually pass while sitting in the discomfort.
Name the 6 levels of validation.
What are (1) pay attention, (2) reflect back, (3) "read minds", (4) communicate an understanding of the causes, (5) acknowledge the valid, (6) show equality.
Describe the function anger.
What is a signal indicated when a desired goal is blocked?