How many scored sections are there on the new GRE, and what are they?
6- 2 essay, 2 verbal, and 2 Quantitative(math)
What are the 3 question types in the Verbal section of the new GRE?
Text Completion, Sentence Equivalence, Reading Comprehension
What are the prices of the GRE on-site course, anywhere course, and on demand course?
$1199, $699, $449
What has been eliminated from the Verbal section?
What is Analogies and antonym sections.
The old GRE was a Computer Adaptive test. what type of test is the new GRE, and how does this type of test work?
Multistage Test (MST). There are 2 math and 2 verbal. The second math and second verbal vary in difficulty level based on how well you do on the first section.
How will the scoring work on the new GRE?
Total score is out of 340, math scores range from 130-170 and verbal scores range from 130-170
What are the 3 question types in the Quant section of the new GRE?
Quantitative Comparison, Problem Solving, Data Interpretation
Whats the difference between tests?
Objectively- new test is longer, questions are more complex. On flip side, includes a calculator and allows you to skip around. Subjectively- depends on your skill set.
What new question types have been added to the reading comprehension section?
Passage highlighting and multiple answer questions.
Passage highlighting requires you to highlight the answer in the provided text. And multiple answer questions means that one , two or all three answers could be correct.
What are 2 things that are new about the functionality of the new GRE?
on-screen calculator, ability to skip questions and return to them.
How much will the new GRE cost?
Name 2 things that are new about the Quant question types.
Numeric entry, Select all that are correct
A good way to study?
Take practice tests!
How long do you have for each essay?
30 minutes for each, 60 minutes total.
How is the structure of the new Kaplan GRE course different from the old course?
Only difference is that students may sign up for just math or just verbal; otherwise, the same. Eight, 2.5hr sessions.
Where can students find sample questions for the new GRE? (name 2 places)
You complete the entire section instead of having the questions adapt everytime you answer. What term does this refer to?
Adaptive by section. You can skip questions and return to them later.
What resources do we have on campus?
Kaplan center in the commons.
ARe the essay's score equal?
Yes. In the past the issue essay has had more time and been weighted more.
What is the approximate length of the new GRE?
4 hours instead of 3.
For people who take the test between Aug. 1 and November, how will score reporting work?
One will not get their exact score until November. Will only receive a score band using old scoring scale. To get your new score multiply by 1600 and divide by 340.
What subject questions have been added to the math section?
Statistics and coordinate geometry.
How can you prepare?
Take a Kaplan Prep course!
What type of questions are the vocabulary questions?