What is behavior tracking?
Recognizing triggers, identifying the action/behavior, following consequence
Name 1 way to bond with your child.
What is an example of growth mindset?
I can do hard things. Mistakes help us grow.
Give an example of validating feelings.
"I understand you are frustrated, this must be hard for you."
What is assertive communication?
Identifying/expressing wants/needs without harming others.
What does "ABC" stand for?
Antecendent,Behavior, Consequences
Secure attachment is classified by children who show some distress when their caregiver leaves but are able to compose themselves quickly when the caregiver returns.
"It's too hard." "I'll fail anyway, so why try?"
What does connect and redirect mean?
Connect bond with child, then help them to problem solve.
What is an "I feel statement?"
stating how we feel without blaming others.
Acknowledge feelings, Communicate Limits, Target Alternative behavior
What behaviors can help manage anxious attachment style?
"One key to healing an insecure attachment style is to make sense of the way you interact with your loved ones, especially with your partner. Recognizing your behavioral patterns in relationships and being mindful of them will make the issue easier to solve. Self-reflection is important."
What is the right brain responsible for?
Emotions, creativity, imagination, etc.
What does "Name it to tame it" mean?
Give an example of an "I feel" statement.
I feel _____ when ________.
What is effort versus reward?
Amount of effort needed to be put in for the type of reward. (increase/decrease effort for smaller/bigger reward)
What is the difference between bonding and attachment?
"Bonding can be defined as the attachment that the primary caregiver feels for the infant. It is this attachment that makes the mother love the infant tremendously and fulfill all his needs."
What is the left brain responsible for?
Reasoning, logic, problem solving
What is mindfulness?
Being aware of the present moment, thoughts, feelings, etc.
What is passive aggressive communication?
Passive-aggressive communicators are most likely to communicate with body language or a lack of open communication to another person, such as giving someone the silent treatment, spreading rumors behind people’s backs or sabotaging others’ efforts. Passive-aggressive communicators may also appear cooperative, but may silently be doing the opposite.
What is positive reinforcement?
Praising/rewarding behavior that is warranted.
What is serve and return?
“Serve and return” is a phrase coined by Harvard researchers to describe back-and-forth interactions between adults and children."
What happens to neurons if they are not used?
They are pruned. "Use it or lose it."
finger plays, 1:1 time, holding/rocking
What are some ways to build assertive communication skills?