How many nations make up the UK today?
Name at least 1 landscape feature you will NOT find in Britain
Volcano, desert
Which is the British flag?
1) 2)
Where do people speak English as their first or official language?
1) in 1-2 countries 2) in 5-6 countries 3) in 10-15 countries 4) in more than 20 countries
(59 countries)
Who is this person?
Queen Elizabeth II
What is the best quality (of character) the British have, according to people who come to live in Britain
Good manners
What is the English word for a Scottish "loch"
Lake (in the picture, it is Loch Lomond in Scotland, the biggest lake in the UK)
Who lived in the British Isle 2000 years ago?
Name three languages from which a lot of words came to English
Latin, French, German, old Scandinavian (language of the Vikings)
What is the name of this book and film character?
Sherlock Holmes
What do people dislike most (or don't understand it very well) about the British?
Sense of humour
Name the lanscape features you can see here:
Cliffs, ocean (sea)
Which part of Great Britain didn't Romans get?
In the Vikings' times, this city was called Yorvik. What's its modern name?
What famous series of books did she write?
This is KJ Rowling, she wrote books avout Harry Potter:
Name at least 3 countries from where people immigrated to Britain in the 20th century
Jamaica, India, Pakistan
Name three landscape features you can see on the picture:
Forest, waterfall, rocks, lake, river/stream
Which country invaded England in 1066?
France (Normans)
What language do words 'house' and 'field' come from?
Who brought this language to Great Britain?
German. Anglo-Saxons
Who is this person?
Mr. Bean (actor Rowan Atkinson)
What do people in Britain like to talk about most of all?
About the weather
Where are the most famous English moors? (name at least one location)
Dartmoor, Yorkshire, Devon
Who is the most famous British Queen?
Elizabeth I (1533-1603)
When did the modern English start to develop?
(name the century)
the XVI (16-th) century
Who are this couple (husband and wife)?
David & Vicktoria Backham: a football star and an ex-popsinger, now a designer