People of Great Depression
Great Depression Terms
The New Deal
Multiple Choice Great Depression

He was the United States president that made radio speeches called "fireside chats".

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt


After the stock market crash, people rushed to their banks causing this.  

 What is Banks closing down/Bank runs/bank bankruptcy?


What are the 3 R's of the New Deal?

What is Relief, Reform and Recovery


What was a basic cause of The Great Depression.

a) overproduction of consumer goods.

b) excessive profits for farmers.

c) increased wages for workers.

d) overregulation of the stock market.

a) overproduction of consumer goods.


What vocabulary word fits the following definition:

"The top 1% received a 75% increase in their disposable income while the other 99% saw an average 9% increase in their disposable income."

What is Unequal Distribution of Wealth?


He was the United States president during the early years of the great depression.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


Which term was used for the mid-west states that suffered a devastating drought during the 1930's.

What is the Dust Bowl?


What Act was passed that regulated wages, hours and prices?

What is the National Recovery Administration?


President FDR's policies during the Great Depression shows his belief that?

A) The government should never become involved in the economy.

B) The government should intervene in the economy.

C) The Great Depression was caused by labor union strikes.  

D) None of the Above

B) The government should intervene in the economy.


The unemployed often lived in "shanty towns."They were often referred to as.

What are Hoovervilles?


He was a governor/senator from Louisiana who wanted the federal government to confiscate all incomes over 1 million dollars 

Who is Huey Long?


October 29, 1929 is also known as this.

What is Black Tuesday?


What act was a part of the WPA, which helped young people between the ages of 16-25 who given part time jobs so they could continue their education

What is the National Youth Administration?


Which New Deal program was controlled electricity? 

A) Works progress administration

B) Tennessee Valley Authority

C) Civilian Conservation Corps

D) Federal Emergency Relief Act

B) Tennessee Valley Authority


What group was formed by conservatives in the federal government with the reasoning to "uphold the constitution"

What is the American Liberty League?


A lot of blame was placed on this president during the great depression.  

Who is Herbert Hoover?


This Deal was a series of programs and government aid designed at ending or lessening the effects of the great depression.  

What is the New Deal?


What is the act that was a system of old age pensions had been one of the goals of the progressive movement.

What is the Social Security Act of 1935?


It was created to provide jobs for unemployed people.  It focused on building things like post offices, bridges, schools, highways and parks.

A) Tennessee Valley Authority Act

B) Civilian Conservation Corps

C) Workers Progress Administration

D) None of the above

C) Workers Progress Administration


What was the event called that thousands of WWI Soldiers gathered in Washington D.C to protest unpaid wages? 

What is the Bonus March?


He was appointed by FDR to serve on the Supreme Court. This move was controversial because this man was once a prominent KKK member. 

Who was Hugo Black?


This was the last piece of legislation that FDR was able to passed before WWII

 What is the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938?


What was the legacy of the new deal? How did it change America?

Answers will vary?


This bill would allow FDR to appoint one new justice to the Supreme Court for every current justice who had reached 70 years of age and failed to retire?  

A) Keynesian Act

B) Court Packing Scheme

C) Social Security Act

D) Reorganization Bill

D) Reorganization Bill


This major event followed the Great Depression.

What is World War II?
