This president was who people blamed for the Great Deppression
President Herbert Hoover
3 main ideas of the new deal program
Recovery, Relief, Reform
When the market took a nose dive and everyone pulled their stocks out; beginning of Great Depression.
Black Thursday
The cause that ended The Great Depression
When you invest to gain more money
Played a huge role in The Great Depression and giving people hope
Program that provided relief for the needy
soup kitchen
Village made in NYC for people who couldn't afford homes.
Explain why WWII led to end the Great Depression
The unemployed joined the army as a job
A person who holds stock
stock holder
worked with FDR to provide relief
the U.S government
A program that distributed and planted vegetables
American Red Cross
When wind created dust as if it was a hurricane
Dust Bowl
What was also used to help end the Great Depression
New deal Programs
A business you donate stock to
stock market
First lady during The Great Depression
Eleanor Roosevelt
A new deal program that built bridges and dams.
Works Progress Administration
When veterans wanted jobs not money
Bonus Army
The rise of led to start WWII
when everyone got scared and pulled their stocks out
economic depression
Advocated for social justice during the Great Depression
Father Charles Coughlin
A new deal program that planted crops
Civilian Conservation Corps
Hoover signed this act
World leader of Germany; played a major role in WWII
Adolf Hitler
When you trade stocks
Stock Exchange