A person who invests in stock of multiple company's.
What is stock holder?
On October 29, 1929 the stock exchange collapsed and made the Great Depression worse
What is Black Tuesday
What major person during the Great Depression promised the New Deal.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Where people went to get food
What is soup kitchen?
He developed the New Deal
Who is Franklin D Roosevelt?
where securities are bought and sold
What is stock exchange?
All the people tried to sell their stock and the stock market crashed.
What is Black Thursday?
who signed the Emergency Relief Act
Who is Herbert Hoover?
Cluster of homelessness
What is Hooverville?
The New Deal contains
What are reforms?
The money that is barrowed from a stockbroker to buy an investment.
What is margin?
what sparked the Great Depression
What is Black Thursday?
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
President during this time
Who is Herbert Hoover?
led to rise of facism
What is isolationism?
The payment the investor receives from the company it invested in
Happened after Black thursday
What is Black Tuesday?
He introduced a plan called share our wealth
Who is Huey Long?
Hoovervilles were named after him
Who is Herbert Hoover
Made Great Depression worse
What is isolationism?
A weak economy where financial markets to go down.
What is bear market?
This occured on September 3, 1929
What is rise in investment stocks?
claimed the Jewish bankers which caused the Great Depression
Who is Father Charles Coughlin?
wanted more money and rebeld
What is bonus army?
The reform that gave jobs to the Americans
What is the CCC?