Stock Market/ Causes for the Great Depression
Life during the depression
Hoover Vs. FDR
Great Depression
The New Deal/ First 100 Days

What was the aftermath of the stock market crash?

- People lost everything 

-Unemployment skyrocketed 

-Great Depression 


What happened to farmers once their home was foreclosed upon?

Once a family's home was foreclosed on they would become homeless and go on the road looking for work.


Who won in the 1932 election? Why was it such a landslide victory?

FDR won the 1932 election. It was such a landslide victory due to the countries harsh feelings against Hoover.


What is the Great Depression? When did it start and end?

The Great Depression was a severe, worldwide economic downtown. It lasted from 1929 to 1941.


What is the New Deal? Overall, was it successful? 

The New Deal was a series of programs, public work projects, and financial reforms with the aim of addressing the Great Depression.

The New Deal was successful!


What is Black Tuesday? 

Black Tuesday is known as the official day the stock market crashed in 1929


What were three major difficulties that migrants on the road faced?

1. Being homeless 

2. Lack of food 

3. Lack of work/money


Were Hoover's policies successful or unsuccessful?

Hoover's policies mostly failed because they were not enough to make a difference and they did not work fast enough either.


How did people mentally escape life during the Great Depression?

People would go to the movies to mentally escape life during the Great Depression.


What were the 3 goals of the New Deal?

Relief: For the needy. Provide jobs for the unemployed.

Recovery: Economic recovery- Get the economy back into high gear.

Reform: Financial reform - Regulate banks and stop child labor.


What causes the stock market to crash?

Stocks on Margin - Borrowing rest from the bank and only putting a small amount down in the beginning to buy a stock

Overpriced Stocks- Wildly overpriced and inflated 

Bank Runs - Runs to take money outta the bank due to the panic 


How did the Great Depression affect women and their role in society?

Women were mostly kicked out of the work force. Some did get jobs but only because they truly needed to help provide for their family. For the most part they took care of the kids.


Were FDR's policies successful for the most part or not? Have one example supporting your answer.

For the most part FDR's policies were somewhat successful. (An example of this would be the SEC, EBA, CCC or AAA)


What were "Hoovervilles"? Why were they named that?

Hoovervilles were a small group of shacks in a vacant lot. They were badly built and dirty. They were named "Hoovervilles" due to the public feeling like it was President Hoover's fault that they were in that situation. 


Explain the Main Point, aim to address the challenges and the outcome of one of the acts of agencies?

-Emergency Banking Act

-Civilian Conservation Corps

-Agricultural Adjustment Act

-National Industrial Recovery Act

-Tennessee Valley Authority

-Public Works Administration

-Federal Emergency Relief Act

-Securities Act

Look at the "First 100 Days" packet on google classroom. So sorry but I am not typing all of that. Overall it was pretty successful.  


Why did the farms start to fail in the late 1920s? How was this a factor of the Great Depression?

Farms begin to fail due to overproduction from WWI. The prices of crops went down due to the supply going up and demand staying the same. 


What was the Dust Bowl? How did it impact the lives of farmers and families in the affected regions?(What were the effects)

The Dust Bowl was severe dust storms and drought that affected the Great Plains. The effects of the Dust Bowl were loss of grass and animals, crops would turn to dust, homes were buried under sand and farms faced foreclosure. 


What opposition did FDR and the New Deal face? (This could either be a person or a reason)

FDR and the New Deal faced backlash due to the thought that it was infringing on States rights. (The federal government would be too big)

People who opposed: 

Huey Long 

Dr.Francis E. Townsend 

Father Charles E. Coughlin


What caused the Great Depression to end? Why?

The Great Depression finally came to an end due to the start of WWII. This is because due to the war the government had to spend money to pay citizens to fight, work in factories to produce weapons or other war materials


Was the New Deal seen as radical? Why or why not?

Yes, the New Deal was seen as radical by most people. The reason for this was the New Deal proposed more involvement from the federal government which wasn't common.


What are 3 causes of the Great Depression? Explain why each reason caused the Depression. 

Industrial Overproduction- Strong industries weakened, the supply was greater than the demand and inflation went up. 

Hawley-Smooth Tariff - A tax on goods entering the country. This only caused unemployment to rise and reduced the flow of goods making everything more expensive. 

Decline of Production - Workers earned barely any money so they couldn't spend. Unemployment was high and so were prices. 


What was family life like for poor people during the Great Depression?

They lost everything, savings, houses and valuables were all sold off. Many Americans were homeless and had to travel to look for work and food. 


How did the beliefs of Hoover and FDR regarding the approach to the Great Depression differ?

Hoover believed that it was up to State and Local government to provide help for it's citizens during the Depression. 

FDR believed that the federal government should be the one providing the relief. This made FDR pass many bills and acts that supported the federal government providing relief. 


Even though the economy failed, many Americans blamed themselves for their unemployment and hard times. 

Why did so many unemployed Americans blame themselves? 

They believed that people should have to be self-reliant. They felt like it was their own responsibility to provide for their own families, not the governments.


Why were the first 100 days of FDR's presidency significant? Provide one act or an agency that passed.

The first 100 days of FDR's presidency were significant because he did a lot very quickly. He passed over 15 important acts. All these acts had the goal of lessening the effects of the Depression. It was also significant because of how radical it was seen at the time. (An example of an agency would be the SEC or CCC)
