The New Deal
President of the US from 1932 until 1945 during the Great Depression. He believed that the federal government needed to play an active role in promoting recovery and relief to Americans during the Great Depression.
Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
The 1935 law that set up a pension system for retirees, established unemployment insurance and created insurance for victims of work-related accidents. It also provided aid for poverty-stricken mothers and children, the blind and the disabled.
What is the Social Security Act?
The practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of obtaining large profits.
What is speculation?
The name given to the programs and legislation enacted by FDR during the Great Depression to promote economic recovery and social reform.
What is the New Deal?
The farmers who stayed on their foreclosed land and worked for bigger landowners rather than for themselves.
Who are Tenant Farmers?
He was president when the depression hit, and pushed Congress to loan money to businesses to kick-start the economy while local governments and charities, he believed, should provide direct aid to people out of work.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
The 1938 law that set a minimum wage, a maximum workweek of 44 hours and outlawed child labor.
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?
The economic theory that holds that money lent to banks and businesses will trickle down to consumers.
What is Trickle-Down Economics?
The government agency that insures bank deposits, guaranteeing that depositors’ money will be safe. This insured bank deposits up to $5,000 and stopped the runs on banks.
What is the (FDIC) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?
The term used to describe makeshift shantytowns set up by homeless people during the Great Depression.
What are Hoovervilles?
Wife of FDR and niece of Teddy Roosevelt.
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
1930s laws that gave Indians greater tribal control over their land/affairs and also provided funding for schools and hospitals.
What is the Indian New Deal?
The periodic growth and contraction of the economy.
What is the Business Cycle?
An informal radio broadcast in which FDR explained issues and New Deal programs to average Americans.
What is a Fireside Chat?
FDR’s plan to add up to six new justices to the nine-member Supreme Court after the Court had ruled that some New Deal legislation was unconstitutional.
What is Court Packing?
General sent by Hoover to surround the Bonus Army in D.C. who exceeded his order and decided to use force and move the marchers out of the city altogether.
Who is Douglas MacArthur?
The New Deal law that abolished unfair labor practices, recognized the right of employees to organize labor unions and gave workers the right to collective bargaining.
What is the Wagner Act? (aka the National Labor Relations Act).
Theory by John Maynard Keynes that by putting people to work on public projects you would put money into the hands of consumers who would buy more goods, stimulating the economy.
What is Prime Pumping
The government agency that built dams in the Tennessee River valley to control flooding and generate electric power.
What is the (TVA) Tennessee Valley Authority?
The federal agency set up by Congress in 1932 and signed by Hoover to provide emergency government credit to banks, railroads, mortgage associations and other large businesses.
What is the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?
A popular critic of the New Deal, whose solution was his “Share Our Wealth” program that proposed high taxes on the wealthy and large corporations and the redistribution of their income to poor Americans. He was a serious political threat to FDR, but was assassinated in 1935, before the elections.
Who is Huey Long?
The protective import tax authorized by Congress in 1930 to try and protect American businesses. This law inspired European countries to retaliate and enact protective tariffs of their own. At a time when American manufacturers and farms had an excess of unsold products, it closed markets creating a ripple effect, which helped destroy international trade.
What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?
The policy relied on by President Hoover in the early years of the Great Depression whereby local and state governments act as primary agents of economic relief.
What is Localism?
The negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by an organized body of employees. This was part of the workers’ rights guaranteed by the Wagner Act.
What is Collective Bargaining?
The process by which Mexican Americans were encouraged, or forced, by local, state and federal officials to return to Mexico during the 1930s.
What is Repatriation?