Cause of the
Great Depression
New Deal
The Roaring ‘20s

What was the Dust Bowl? 

Period in the 1930s when severe drought and dust storms hit the Great Plains of the United States, causing major ecological and agricultural damage. It led to crop failures, economic hardship, and forced many people to leave their homes in search of better opportunities elsewhere.


Roosevelt introduced a set of programs and policies called the?

New Deal


The New Deal helped the country recover. It included things such as?

Creating jobs, giving aid to people in need, and regulating banks to prevent another economic disaster.


What was the banned sale of alcoholic beverages called?

Prohibition Era


Why did the U.S. banking system play a large role in the Great Depression?

Banks loaned money to individuals to invest in the stock market, without ensuring they could cover any losses. 

Banks invested large portions of their customers’ savings in the stock market, reaping excess profits when values increased.


What were Fireside chats?

Fireside Chats were like friendly talks on the radio where FDR explained important things happening, like plans to help during the Great Depression and World War II, making people feel connected and informed. They were like having a cozy chat by the fireplace with the president, helping everyone understand what was going on and how they could help.


Which Court had concerns about some parts of the New Deal and gave the government too much power over businesses and states.

Supreme Court


Which Amendment banned the sale of alcoholic beverages?

18th Amendment


What is Mass Production?

Goods were produced on a large scale, and the costs of production were greatly reduced. As a result, products became more affordable for the average person, and people could buy things that were previously only available to the wealthy.


What are the three R's?

Relief: Immediate assistance to those in need, including unemployment benefits and food aid.

Recovery: Initiatives to stimulate economic growth and create jobs, such as public works projects.

Reform: Long-term measures to prevent future economic crises, such as financial regulations and social welfare programs.


Who did the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) employ?

Young men to work on conservation projects.


The rise of Consumerism was the demand for?

A. cars

B. radios

C. Household items

D. All of the above

D. All of the above 


What is buying on a margin? 

Borrowing of money to invest in the stock market. Purchasing a stock on margin only required the individual to pay as little as 10% of the value of the stock, while borrowing up to 90%


What did President Franklin D. Roosevelt promise to do?

Help Americans recover from the economic hardships of the Great Depression


What was the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) designed to do?

TVA was designed to address issues of poverty, environmental degradation, and uneven economic development in the Tennessee Valley region, encompassing parts of seven Southern states.


What changed about women durning this time?

Clothing and hair


To encourage U.S. citizens to purchase American goods, Congress instituted a series of?

Tariffs or Taxes


How many terms did Franklin D. Roosevelt serve as president?

4 terms


Why was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) created?

The FDIC was created to restore public confidence in the banking system and promote stability by insuring deposits held in banks.


What is a speakeasy?

During the time called Prohibition in the 1920s, it was illegal to sell alcohol in the United States. But some places secretly sold alcohol anyway. These secret bars were called speakeasies. They were hidden and people had to speak quietly about them to avoid getting caught.
