What is the date "Black Tuesday" occured on?
What was the Bonus Army?
A group of WW1 veterans who demanded an early payout of their service bonuses.
What disease did FDR suffer from?
What did the "Federal Home Loan Bank Act" do?
Lowered mortgage rates for Americans.
The name of the shanty towns built across the nation
What did the "Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act" do?
Put a tariff on foreign goods promoting US citizens to buy American goods.
Who were the candidates in the 1932 Presidential Midterm?
Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt
What did the 20th Amendment do?
It shrank the amount of time between the election and inauguration dates( March to January).
what did the "Revenue Act" do?
Hoover passed this once RFC caused the deficit to rise, it increased taxes.
This large drought(among other elements) caused many Americans to migrate.
The Dust Bowl.
This term was given to migrants traveling from Oklahoma.
Who proposed the early payout of WW1 veteran bonuses?
Wright Patman
What was the nickname for FDR's closest advisors?
The Brain Trust
what did the "Federal Reserve Board" do?
Cut the money in circulation leading up to the Great Depression.
This industry is key to predicting the economy.
What is rugged individualism?
A belief that the government should not interfere in economic problems and that people should be self reliant.
What common item did both candidates promise to do during the 1932 Midterm Election?
Repeal prohibition.
What were the "Fireside Chats"?
A series of radio addresses to the American people to inform them of what he was doing to help them.
What did the "Reconstruction Federal Corporation" do?
Government organization that loaned $2 billion to banks(who could prove they could pay it back) in an attempt to get them back on their feet.
What was the "Poor Mans Divorce"?
When men would abandon their families during the GD simply because they couldn’t provide for them anymore
What 4 major industries dropped in productivity?
Coal, Railroads, Lumber, and Housing
Who were the 2 men in charge of clearing out the Bonus Army camps?
Generals Douglas MacArthur and George Patton.
What were FDR's 2 proudest achievements what did they do?
AAA(Agricultural Adjustment Act): Offered farmers subsidies in exchange for them not planting crop or breeding livestock.
NIRA(National Industrial Recovery Act): Fixed wages and prices, set production quotas, and gave workers the right to unionize.
Hoover passed this project because he believed it would pay for itself and provide many work opportunities.
The Boulder Dam(Later known as the Hoover Dam).
Another acronym used for the Bonus Army.
BEF(Bonus expeditionary forces)