Execute Well
Meet Deadlines
Good Communicator

True or False? You should preform your most urgent tasks first. 

False. -You should preform your most important tasks first. 

What is the right way to handle missing a deadline?

Let the boss know as soon as possible that the deadline will be missed.

Learn from the experience - put systems in place to make it less likely to happen again. 


True or False? It's my boss's responsibility to initiate communication. 

False - The ball is always in your court.


Whose responsibility is it to be sure that you're working on the right task? 

Your own! Check in with your boss regularly to make sure you have your tasks prioritize correctly and nothing has changed. 


True or False? If you know you’re going to miss a deadline in advance, you shouldn’t tell your boss.

False. - Always let your boss know, they maybe able to provide you additional support or you help meet the deadline in some way. 


When should you update your boss about a project?

All key stages. 


What is a model you can use for prioritizing your work?

What is the A.B.C. model.


How do you know what the most important part of the project is?

Ask your boss. 


Explain what a “response timeline” request is and how that benefits both parties during communication.

When sending communication, the sender asks the receiver when they can expect a response. Allowing the sender to know when the person is likely to respond with the information helps the sender plan and prioritize. 

What does it mean to ‘assume the ball is always in your court’?

It's your responsibility to be proactive, confirming with your boss your priorities are correct, initiating communication and updating your boss on your progress. 


What steps can you take to be realistic about how long a task will take?

Look back and determine how long similar tasks took in the past. Figure out where in your schedule your able to fit that time in, taking into account your other projects, priorities and schedule conflicts. 


How can you avoid asking unnecessary questions or giving the boss outdated information?

Read company newsletters, emails, communication boards, pay attention during employee meetings, and stay up to date on current issues and trends in your industry. 


Define Analysis Paralysis.

What is the desire to get a project to be "perfect" causing deadlines to be missed and time and energy spent obsession over every last detail instead of moving on to other tasks. The enemy of execution. 


What systems can you put in place to make it less likely you’ll miss a deadline again? Name at least 2 from the GEHB.

Be realisitc about how long the task will take - and tell your boss.

Break the project into mini-goals with deadlines. 

Anticipate Problems - and solutions.

Keep in touch with your boss.

Get organized, use checklists, prioritize.

Enlist help whenever possible. 


This part of communication plays a huge role in how others perceive you. It determines whether they think you come from a position of power, whether they can trust you, and whether they respect you. What is it?

What is Body Language. 
