Great Hammerhead's domain.
What is Eukaryota?
Great Hammerheads prefer ____ water.
What is/how hot is warm?
This species' eating habits make it an example of a _________.
What is a carnivore?
This shark's "skeleton" is made of _________.
What is cartilage?
Great Hammerheads help their environments by _____________.
Are they keeping the populations of other fish in check?
Great Hammerhead's phylum.
What is Chordata?
Do they prefer shallow or deep salt water? (You can answer this normally.)
Shallow water.
Great Hammerheads mate ________.
Do they reproduce sexually?
Its skin, like that of most sharks, feels like _________.
What is sandpaper?
Great hammerheads are threatened by _________.
What is overfishing? What is poaching?
Class of the Great Hammerhead.
What is Chondrichthyes?
Great Hammerheads are
A. Migratory
B. Non-migratory
What is A?
Name a common prey animal of the Great Hammerhead.
What are rays/skates/other sharks/squid/crustaceans?
Unlike most fish, the shark has _______ ______.
What are placoid scales?
Great Hammerheads are __________ according to the International Red List.
What is critically endangered?
Order of the Great Hammerhead.
What is Carcharhiniformes?
Their preferred environment is ________.
What is tropical?
The fertilization process is __________.
What is internal?
Unlike us, sharks suffer _____ _________.
What is color blindness?
Great Hammerheads are often killed for _____________.
What are their fins?
The Great Hammerhead's scientific name.
What is Sphyrna mokarran?
Name the deepest these sharks typically go in feet.
How deep is 262 ft.?
Are Great Hammerheads social? (You can answer normal.)
Sharks can smell a drop of blood from a mile away.
Though sharks can smell blood, it's typically from just a 1/4 mile.
Great Hammerhead sharks are a ___________.
What is a keystone species?