First computer name?
Turing machine
This women was one of the first computer programmers to develop an assembly language.
kathleen booth
Who made the world wide web?
tim berners lee
Who made the first widely known programming language?
John Backus
Who made the Atanasoff berry computer
John Atanasoff
Alan turing cracked this code
Enigma code
This women ran the original ARPANET NIC at SRI
Elizabeth Feinler
george boole
Who made JAVA?
James Gosling
Who made the Jacquard machine?
Joseph Marie Jacquard
Alan turing's IQ
This women coined the name software engineering.
Margaret Hamilton
Who made the colossus computer?
Tommy Flowers
Lead architect for C#
Anders Hejlsberg
Who made the first know automatic gates?
How old was Alan turing when he died?
First computer programmer to work on the Harvard Mark 1
Grace Hopper
Who invented the computer mouse?
Douglas Engelbart
Father of AI?
John McCarthy
Who invented the first computer?
Charles Babbage
How did he die?
Cyanide poison
First computer programmer?
Ada Lovelace
Who made ENIAC?
J. Presper Eckert
Who made C programming language?
Dennis Ritchie
Who made the IBM?
Herman Hollerith