What caused the Trojan War in the fictional telling?
The theft of Helen by the Trojan hero Paris
What system of government was Athens
What caused the rise of Philosophy in Greece
A lack of faith in Athenian democracy caused by the end of the wars with Sparta
If you’re running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?
Second Place
Why is Peter Pan always flying?
He can neverland
What advantage did Athens have in their war against Sparta
A superior Navy
What system of government was Sparta
A Military State
Who was the Greek philosopher that believed in a standard for truth and justice, but also felt that people should question themselves and was executed by slow acting poison
It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do. What is it?
Your name
How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying?
You rocket
What advantage did Sparta have over Athens
A Stronger navy
What was the type of play in ancient Greece where a hero would have a tragic end due to a fatal character flaw
A Tragedy
Who were the philosophy group that dedicated themselves to questioning all of existence including the Greek religion, the government and whether or not you as an individual are good
What has legs, but can't walk
Why do bees have sticky hair?
They use a honey comb
What was the name of the league the Greeks formed to defend themselves against foreign invaders
Delian league
What was the type of play in ancient Greece where they would make fun of politics and civil servants using slapstick humor
He was a student of Socrates and the Greek philosopher who wrote the Republic which would lead to the establishment of the Medieval class system
What has arms but can't clap
Why did the man fall down the well?
He couldn't see that well
What was Athens spending money from the league on
A Greek Philosopher who believed that you should use logic and reason to argue points rather than things like faith, tradition or other illogical ideas
What kind of band never plays any music
Rubber band or band-aid
What kind of drink can be bitter and sweet?