Over the hills and waters blue...
I see Geography!
I am Government Savvy!!
This is Sparta!! AND Athens!
This is the name of the peninsula the ancient Greeks settled on.
What is the Balkan Peninsula?
Europe is made up of many of these landforms. Florida is an example of one because it is surrounded by water on three sides.
What is a peninsula?
This purpose of government includes activities such as training the army or protecting the nation.
What is preparing for a Common Defense?
These are independent governments that existed in between the rocky mountain ranges. Even though they were neighbors, they weren't always friendly .. or similar.
What are city-states?
The lower class, landless citizens of Athens.
WHO ARE ... the Thetes?
This body of water is scattered with hundreds of islands; some are so small that people don't even live on them.
What is the Aegean Sea?
This landform is made up of the modern nations of Spain and Portugal. It is WEST of Italy.
What is the Iberian Peninsula?
This purpose of government is something that is provided for all citizens to use and benefit from. Citizens may pay a fee to use it or taxes, but the funding, construction, and maintenance is the responsibility of the government.
What are public services?
This is where citizens could come and discuss different issues and vote on laws.
What is the Assembly?
This purpose of government includes actions like helping trade increase or collecting taxes?
What is promote the Economy?
The geography of the Mediterranean mental map we drew had a large depression, that was filled with water (like a bowl or sink), and had raised edges. What is that geographic term called?
What is a basin?
This beautiful, blue water is located directly north of the ancient city of Carthage located in present day Tunisia. Tunisia is a nation in North Africa.
What is the Mediterranean Sea?
The purpose of government that includes being able to do certain things - like speaking your mind or protesting.
What is protecting Individual Rights?
Athenians did not allow this type of person to become citizens and Spartans didn't even allow them into their city-state at all.
What is foreigners or metics?
Compared to Athens, Sparta had better equality and individual rights when it came to this.
WHO ARE ... women?
This body of water is WEST of Greece, but SOUTH of Italy.
What is the Ionian Sea?
It is thought that this large island derived its name from a mythological hero that travelled from North Africa to settle the island SOUTH of Corsica.
What is Sardinia? (So it wasn't after the fish! His name was Sardus)
In a democracy, the government needs to support our common good. But we can't just sit back and do nothing; we need to work together. We need to follow laws, vote, pay taxes, get involved, and report crimes, and contact our leaders when there are problems.
What are our/citizen RESPONSIBILITIES?
The reason why Athens traded overseas and Sparta conquered and enslaved.
What is to gain food/grain? OR -- WHAT IS because they had rocky soil that was poor for farming grain?
When writing a thesis statement, this is the category of your reasoning. It's your how/why/because in your statement that's based on your evidence.
What is the controlling idea?
This body of water is NORTH of Sicily and WEST of Italy.
What is the Tyrrhenian Sea?
These are the mountains where Dracula is supposed to have lived . What is the name of this mountain range?
What are the Carpathian Mountains?
Oligarchies, monarchies, democracies, and dictatorships are all different ways that governments use this.
What is power?
This element of Athens government actually went against rule of law because the lower class citizens did not get an equal chance of participating in it.
What is the Council of 500?
These are the mountains in between Spain and France.
What are the Pyrenees?