Where the audience sits
What is the Theatron?
Where the Amphitheater is built
What is a Mountainside?
Are their any Greek masks originally used in greek times left over
What is no?
A wall that acts as the background for the performance.
What is a Skene?
When amphitheaters were first used
When is 80-70 BC?
The reason there are no more Greek masks
What is masks being made of natural materials that could decay?
The circle in the middle of the Amphitheatre which is designed for the chorus.
What is the Orchestra?
The first Amphitheatre
What is the Pompei Amphitheatre?
When Greek masks first used
What is the 5th century?
The exits/entrances for actors
What is the Parados?
The reason amphitheatres built at the side of mountains
What is the audience having a better view of the actors?
What Greek masks made of
What is wood, linen, and animal hair?
Where the poor people sat
What is the Nosebleeds?
Where most amphitheatre's are located
Where is Greece?
The first use of Greek masks
What is honoring the Greek god Dionysus?