Art and Culture of Ancient Greece (1600-1200 BCE)
Last major victory for Athens during the Peloponnesian War (406 BCE)
Tyrant of Athens 561 BCE
Outcasted by rivals 556 BCE
Married rivals (Megacles) daughter 551 BCE to regain tyranny
Regained again through Panathenaia 546 BCE
Died 527 BCE
Site of the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE
Athenian who were outnumbered defeated the Persian
Grave Circle B
1750-1700 BCE
Peace of Callias
Decree of peace between Athens and Persia
451 BCE
Delian League + Achaemenid Empire
Since its plausible this indicated most Greek polis felt secure
Akrotiri Eruption
Sparked Social Change (1628)
460-400 BCE
Historian + Athenian general
Recorded + Interviewed those present at speeches and campaigns
Insistent on discovering the "truth"
Thought men could decide fate (not gods)
EX. Spartan debate + The Funeral Orations
Revolt of Mytilene
427 BCE
Issue with demagogue
People who filled power vacuum from Pericles
Wanted to ensure Sparta would never rise to its previous power again
Sparta asked Corinth for sea power, engaged with Athens in the gulf -Lost
Revolt against Athenian hegemony
Grave Circle A
1650 BCE
Ancient Persian religion (monotheistic) around 6th cen BCE
Followed by Xerxes
Assembly/ Ekklesia
Gathering of Citizens to make decisions regarding city-state
Open to all citizens except women who don't count
Wealthy + Powerful noble family of Ancient Athens
Claimed descent from the legendary Almaeon = leader of Argives= People of Argos
Alcmaeonid curse
Aegospotamoi / Aegospotami
Naval confrontation during the Peloponnesian war (405 BCE)
Spartan fleet destroyed Athenian navy- ended war
Athens unable to import grain/ communicate without sea control
Minoan Palaces Burn
1450 BCE
Civilization of Bronze Age
Island Crete (2500-1200 BCE)
Connection to architecture and myth
Hierarchical society
Cleisthenic Reforms
510 BCE
30 "trittyes" in Attica
3 groups with 10 each
Rearrangement of the political system
Council of 500
Athenian general and Alcaeonid
Steered towards hegemony (dominance)
Suggested Athens collect tribute
Interested in centralizing power
Major influence 460 BCE onwards
Funeral orations
Delian League
477 BCE= Military alliance between the Greek city-states
Afraid of Persian Attcks
Could rely on one another with Athemnina navel power
Knossos Burns (preserving linear b tablets)
1400 BCE
The Four Hundred
Oligarchical Council that briefly took power in Athens during the Peloponnesian War
Inspired by Alcibiades + Antiphon
Very anti-democratic
Religious festival to worship Athena
Harmodius and Aristogeiton
"The Tyrant Killers"
Attempted to kill Hippius + Hipparchus 514 BCE
511= Hippias crushes followers
Return of Alcaeonid curse
Hippias outcastes with Spartan help
Cleisthenes bribed oracle at Delphi to get Spartans on his side
Greek Citizen - soldiers
Fought in battle
Spears + Sheilds
Apsidal Structure
Forms of an Apse: Semi- circular, very standard house, impressive size
ex 10th & 9th cen BCE burials