These men represent what profession?
The Olympic games were created to honor this god.
Why did Greek city-states develop independently from each other?
The mountainous geography of Greece isolated them.
This is known as the spread of ideas or traits from one culture to another.
Cultural Diffusion
During the Peloponnesian War, the polis of Athens suffered from a plague that allowed them to be conquered. Which city-state benefitted from Athens being stricken by a plague?
What series of wars led to the increase of power for the city-states of Athens and Sparta, and decreased the power of the Persian Empire?
The Persian Wars
This ruler from northern Greece was educated in Greek philosophy and culture.
Alexander III
Alexander the Great
In order to be a citizen of an ancient Greek polis you must be:
1. Free
2. Native-born
3. Own land
4. Be a man
Why does a direct democracy work better in ancient Athens, but would not work in the United States?
The population of Athens is smaller.
What effect did Greek philosophers have on European/American thinking?
They increased the value of knowledge, questioning, and logic.
This city-state is best known for having the strongest military in ancient Greece.
This city-state valued freedom of thinking, ideas, plays, literature, math, and music.
Name the two epic poems written by Homer that took place during the Trojan War.
1. The Iliad
2. The Odyssey
The Greek mythologies of the gods and goddesses were were used to explain/describe:
The natural world or why things happened.
Which physical features (bodies of water) did the Greeks rely on for maritime trade?
1. Mediterranean Sea
2. Aegean Sea
3. Ionian Sea
According to the laws of the ancient Greeks, how were different classes of people seen/treated under the law?
Everyone was equal.
Why did Xerxes, leader of Persia want to go to war against the various Greek city-states?
Xerxes wanted revenge for his father's (Darius') defeat at the Battle of Marathon.
This governing body put legal decisions in the hands of the people by establishing a direct democracy.
The Assembly.
What is a difference between Athenian and Spartan women?
Spartan women had more rights because...
Which building is shown in this picture, and why was it built?
It is the Parthenon, and it was built to honor the gods and celebrate the Battle of Marathon (victory over the Persians).
This kingdom North of Greece was ruled by King Philip II and later his son Alexander III.
The Library of Alexandria is an example of Greek architecture built outside of Greece. What term relates to Greek culture seen outside of Greece?
Hellenistic culture.
Why was the Acropolis built on top of a hill?
To protect citizens during invasion, and to be closer to the gods.
After the end of the Persian War, the Greek city-states formed two Leagues which eventually led to the Peloponnesian War. What are the names of these two leagues?
The Delian League (Athens)
The Peloponnesian League (Sparta)
In the city-state of Athens, which body of government proposed new laws?
The Council of 500
This Greek goddess is the daughter of Demeter (goddess of agriculture and seasons), and fell in love with Hades, god of the Underworld (Tartarus and the Elysian Fields). Who is she?
Why would the ancient Greeks establish colonies throughout the Mediterranean region and on different continents?
To gain resources they lacked on mainland Greece.
How was Alexander the Great able to unite such a large empire, with so many different groups or people in it?
He treated other cultures with respect and spread Hellenistic ideas.
What was a consequence of the Peloponnesian War?
Phillip II of Macedonia conquered Greece, making way for his son to conquer lands outside of Greece.
What 3 traits did the written works of Homer inspire in the Ancient Greeks?
1. Women can remarry if their husbands were gone away to war for too long
2. Don't give up in battle, even if you are outnumbered
3. Glory to your city-state above all else (as your city-state was your country essentially)