Find and correct the grammatical error in the following sentence
The poem The Iliad are one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer.
The poem The Iliad is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer.
What was Poseidon the god of?
He was the god of sea and waters, as well as of horses and earthquakes
What animal is sacred to Athena?
The owl
Name a movie character who shares a name with Perseus
Percy Jackson of Percy Jackson and the Lightening Their
Name a Greek God
1. Zeus
2. Hera
3. Aphrodite
4. Ares
5. Poseidon
6. Athena
7. Hephaestus
8. Demeter
9. Apollo
10. Artemis
Name another type of mythology
Hint: Your answer can NOT be Greek
1. Egyptian
2. Japanese
3. Indian
4. Etc
Who was Poseidon's brothers?
Hades & Zeus
What Greek city is named after Athena?
What is Perseus most known for?
He cut off Medusa's head
Name a famous Greek hero
1. Hercules
2. Perseus
3. Achilles
4. Hector
5. Odysseus
What was Mount Olympus?
It was where the 12 Olympians lived
What is Poseidon's weapon called?
The Triton
Listen to the following passage and answer the question
Athena's other names and titles include "protector of the city", "Pallas", "goddess of council", and "gray eyes."
Name two other names for Athena
1. "protector of the city"
2. "Pallas"
3. "goddess of council"
4. "gray eyes."
Read and correct the following grammatical error
Perseus were a son of Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods.
Perseus was a son of Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods.
What was the most notable thing about Medusa?
She had snakes for hair and could turn people to stone by looking at her.
How do we still know ancient myths?
Because people retold the stories to the next generation and they wrote them down.
Who was negatively effected by a interaction with Poseidon?
Athena is said to have been "born from Zeus", how so?
Athena emerged full-grown from Zeus' forehead.
Read and summarize the following
Because Perseus was so brave in fighting a fearsome monster to save the life of someone else, he was given a place in the stars forever.
Perseus is a constellation in the sky named after the Greek hero who earned it because of his brave fighting against fearsome monster
Define the italicized words
The poet Homer’s 8th-century BC epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey, for example, tell the story of the Trojan War as a divine conflict as well as a human one.
A divine conflict means a fight between gods
Summarize in your own words
The Ancient Greeks believed that in the beginning, the world was in a state of nothingness which they called Chaos. Suddenly, from light, came Gaia (Mother Earth) and from her came Uranus (the sky) along with other old gods. Gaia and Uranus had 12 children, the Titans.
The Ancient Greeks believed that the world began from nothingness called Chaos. Suddenly, Gaia came from light and she gave birth and married Uranus and they had the 12 Titans
Summarize the following passage in your own words
During the time of ancient Greece, seafarers would often pray to Poseidon in hopes of good sailing weather and safe journeys. With the sea as his domain, seafarers also considered Poseidon as a god of navigation. Men at sea would often rely on Poseidon’s guidance when caught in sticky situations.
Because he was the god of the sea and navigation, ocean travelers would pray to him for safe travels
Read the following passage and answer the question.
Arachne was a woman in Greek mythology who was a skilled weaver. She dared to challenge Athena—the goddesses of handicrafts such as weaving as well as of war and of wisdom—to a weaving contest. Arachne was turned into an 8 legged arachnid after enraging Athena with her weaving.
What is the arachnid Arachne was turned into?
Spiders aka arachnids
Read the following passage and answer the question
Andromeda was chained to a sea-cliff to be devoured by the sea monster. Perseus, the nephew of the king of the city of Argos noticed her as he was sailing by and immediately fell in love with her. He promised to rescue Andromeda if her parents would allow him to marry her.
How did Perseus meet Andromeda?
He meet her when he sailed by her and saved her from a monster that was going to be eat her.
Read the following passage and answer the question
Did you know? Many consumer products get their names from Greek mythology. Nike sneakers are the namesake of the goddess of victory, for example, and the website is named after the race of mythical female warriors.
Name an item that was named after something from Greek Mythology
1. Nike
2. Amazon