Who came into life first?
Who is gaia
Who was born last
Who is Zeus
God of fertility and vegetables
Who is priapus
How many Eros’s are there in Greek mythology
What is 2
Who did hyperian marry
Who is theia
What was Zeus’s first wife the god of
What is deep thought
God of people confused about there gender
Who is Dionysus (this is not a minor god)
What was uranos killed with
What is a sickle
Who wrote the little mermaid
Hans christen Anderson
Who was the oldest child of rhea
hera’s 2 birds are
What is cukoo and peacock
Goddess of the crossroads
Who is Hecate
What are the fates know as, basically there other name
What are the aloi
What’s the most common name in brothers grim
What is Hans
First god of the ocean
Who is pontus
Demeter first child
Who is Persephone
Goddess of the dawn
How many muses are there
What is nine
What’s yur favorite Greek story
You automatically get points for this
What was the name of the monsters who imprisoned the Hecatoncheires
Who is kampê
Dionysus main wife
Who is Ariadne
God of sleep
Who is hypnos
Which major Greek gods are not considered a Olympian
Who is hades
what has 4 wheels and flys
What is A garbage truck