beautiful winged horse; sprang from Medusa's neck
Who is Pegasus?
to satisfy (thirst); to extinguish (fire)
Why Tantalus was condemned to suffer forever
Tantalus sacrificed his son Pelops in order to please the gods.
bronze robot who protects Crete
Who is Talos?
without pity or compassion
The gods condemned Tantalus to the underworld because they detested human sacrifice. Tantalus suffered from eternal hunger and thirst. He was forced to stand in water up to his neck, but could not quench his thirst. Above his head hung branches of fruit that would bend out of reach when he tried to reach them.
great walled city in Greece with 7 gates
What is Thebes?
founded Olympic games
Why Perseus was sent to kill Medusa
Accepting Perseus's offer of his services as a gift, the king sent him out to kill Medusa and return with her head. As no man had ever returned from such a mission, the king thought that this would be a way to rid himself of Perseus forever.
Sisyphus's trick
Sisyphus pretended to be honored by Hades and asked him why Hermes had not come for him. While Hades searched for the answer, Sisyphus cleverly wound a chain around the lord of the underworld and then tied him to a post like a dog.
Perseus's native city and later his kingdom
What is Argos?
a satyr; challenged Apollo to a music contest
Who is Marsyas?
narrow grooves made in the ground by a plow
What Sisyphus's trick did to the land
While Hades was tied up, nobody could die. The Fates got the threads of life tangled up, and the whole world was in utter confusion.
Strait of Gibraltar; mountain peak on the Africa side and the Rock of Gibraltar on the Europe side
What are the Pillars of Hercules?