word that means:
caution; good sense
What is prudence?
the "Earthshaker"
(name, role, symbol)
Who is Poseidon
god of the sea
fleet-footed messenger of the gods
Who is Iris?
home of the gods
What is Mt. Olympus?
mother of all living things
Who is Gaea?
word that means:
being completely forgotten
What is oblivion?
known for her jealousy
(name, role, symbol)
Who is Hera
queen of gods
Greek and Roman names for Aphrodite's son
Who is Eros; Cupid
island where Hephaestus landed
What is Lemnos?
first lord of the universe
Who is Uranus?
word that means:
glittering with rainbow colors
What is iridescent?
sprang from Zeus' head
(name, role, symbol)
Who is Athena
goddess of wisdom
first wife of Zeus
Who is Metis?
island where Zeus was raised
What is Crete?
first children of Earth and Uranus; giants
Who are the Titans & Titanesses?
word that means:
generous; fancy
What is lavish?
only child of Zeus and Hera
(name, role, symbol)
Who is Hephaestus
god of smiths and fire
Hera's watchman with 100 eyes
Who is Argus?
where Aphrodite emerged from the sea
What is Cythera?
deepest, darkest pit of Earth
What is Tartarus?
word that means:
lace-like ornamental work with gold
What is filigree?
known for his vanity and cruelty
(name, role, symbol)
Who is Ares
god of war
goddess of discord and strife
Who is Eris?
land of the gods
Mother Earth's second husband
Who is Pontus?