About Socrates
Greek Educational thinkers

Socrates is born in what country?


Socrates is considered as one of the greatest educational thinkers because he proposed

1. Socratic method that includes inquiry based  learning etc.

2. focus on moral, ethical questions


3. Ethical Inquiry

4.  focused of dialectical approach which is dialogue and debate.

5.  Lifelong learning.


Do you think Sophist accept fees for teaching?

Fee-Based Education: Unlike earlier philosophers who often taught freely or as part of broader civic duties, Sophists were among the first to charge fees for their teachings, treating education as a profession.


Give atleast 2 Athenian Greek Educational Thinkers

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle


What is the Profession of Socrates?

He is a Sculptor.

  • Stonemason (or Sculptor)
  • Soldier
  • Public Figure and Gadfly

Is a Sophist Philosopher a public speaker?


Sophists were renowned for their expertise in rhetoric and public speaking, skills they imparted to students aspiring to careers in law, politics, and public speaking. 


Who was the first of the great Greek thinkers and teachers?

Thales of Miletus- Aristotle identified Thales as the first person to investigate the basic principles, the question of the originating substances of matter and, therefore, as the founder of the school of natural philosophy. 

What is school of natural Philosophy- It includes the study of matter , energy , space , time , and the laws that govern the universe . Natural philosophy is often considered the origin of the modern science , as it laid the foundation for the development of scientific methods and theories . 


How did Socrates die?

Socrates was sentenced to death by consuming a cup of poison because he corrupts the youth.

Die in vain?No

* Impact on Plato and Aristotle

*Philosophical Influence 

*Cultural Icon


Does Sophist receives criticisms from Socrates?


Socrates and other contemporary philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle, criticized the Sophists for prioritizing persuasive techniques over the pursuit of truth and virtue.


Who are the Greeek educational thinkers

1. Socrates


3. Aristotle

4. Isocrates

5. Xenophon

6. Pythagoras


Give one contribution of Socrates in Education.

Socratic Method

  • Dialectical Method
  • Active Learning
  • Focus on Ethics and Virtue
  • Intellectual Humility and Inquiry
  • Philosophy as a Way of Life
  • Development of Critical Thinking Skills
  • Concept of Lifelong Learning

Give atleast 2 names of Sophists Philosophers

1. Protagoras

2. Gorgias

3. Hippias of Elis

4. Prodicus of Ceos

5. Thrasimacus


What are the influence of Greek educational thinkers in education?

1. Philosophical foundation of education

2. Focus on Liberal arts and humanities

3. Development of pedagogical methods

4. Impact on modern educational thought


Socrates life laid the foundation of what Philosophy?

Western Philosophy

Followed by Plato and Aristotle.

The Unexamined Life

  • Socrates famously declared that "the unexamined life is not worth living," emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and critical examination of one’s own beliefs and actions.
  • Platonic Dialogues: Through Plato’s dialogues, Socrates’ ideas have been preserved and studied for centuries, continuing to influence philosophical thought.
  • Western Educational Practices: The Socratic method remains a staple in modern education, particularly in the humanities, law, and other disciplines that value critical thinking and dialogue.
  • Ethical Foundations: Socratic ethics, with its focus on virtue and moral reasoning, underpins much of Western ethical theory.

Does sophist a Jack of all traits?


 Sophists taught a wide range of subjects beyond rhetoric, including grammar, mathematics, and natural sciences. They aimed to equip their students with a broad education that would prepare them for various intellectual and practical pursuits.


How can you apply the idea of Greek Educational thinkers in our situation today specially in DepEd?

The answer of students may vary 
