Who is Jocasta
This is the name of a Greek theatre
What is an amphitheatre
The most famous theatre
What is a colosseum
Made pantomime famous
Who is Charlie Chaplin
This means to cross
What is X
Oedipus's father paid this oracle a visit
Dionysus was the God of this
Wine, fertility, merrymaking
This is a type of combat
What is Gladiator Combat
Music can make this successful
This is true
What is USC
What is the upper stage center
Oedipus's Wife
Who is Jocasta
This is a chorus
A large group of people moving and speaking in unison
What were the robes called
This is the definition of pantomime
What is acting without words
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Oedipus does this after finding out that the prophecy was completed
What is he exiles himself and cuts his eyes
This was the first Greek actor
Who is Thespis
This is the translation for Skene
What is Scaena
These things are needed to make pantomime successful
What is weight, shape, and texture
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Oedipus was the king of this kingdom
What is Thebes
This is a satyr
What is a mini-play in between tragedies
Type of combat not done on land
What is a sea battle
This place is most linked to pantomiming
What is Great Britain
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