Gave up throne to Dionysus. Despises Zeus. Eager to find mother when freed from Cronus' stomach.
Who is Hestia?
Talks so much- tried to help cover up Zeus' infidelity by chattering. Hera took away her ability to converse- now she can only repeat.
Who is Echo?
symbolizes old age- Eos' husband has eternal life but not eternal youth
What does the A stand for in ACE?
What is Answer the restated question completely.
Well, you've just opened up Pandora's Box?
Is this allusion positive or negative? Why?
What is negative! If you open up Pandora's Box- you let out a lot of problems!
Turned pirates into dolphins after being kidnapped. Mortal mom. Last Olympian to sit on throne.
Who is Dionysus?
A flower group up where this vain lad died, staring at his own reflection.
Who is Narcissus?
Echoes in a cave
symbolizes the danger of incessant chattering. If you talk to much, you may pay the consequence...or it just tells the tale of Echo and Hera's punishment:)
What does the C stand for in ACE?
What is Cite the quote properly. Remember to tuck it into the sentence, too.
What might Apollo offer at your birthday party that other gods/goddesses could not?
What is a light show, musical concert, an archery lesson, ideas on how to take down your sister's suitors if they get in the way, fashionable ways to wear a laurel wreath, lessons in driving swans all over the place.
"The rich one" - had to kidnap his bride to bring her to his realm. Has a huge 3-headed dog.
Who is Hades?
This god is moody and often goes to his cave and screams. He loves to chase nymphs and frolic with his panpipe. He is unlucky in love.
Who is Pan?
What does Phaeton's death symbolize or represent? What should you be careful of when you interact with a god?
Be careful what you wish for...Helios loved his son and wanted to grant him any wish- unfortunately, helios kept his promise and his son perished.
What does the E stand for in ACE?
What is Explain your thinking by adding specific details to support your claim. Try to wrap everything up in the final sentence, too.
How many school days to spring break?
What is 15...we can do this, people!! Stay the course!
Goddess of marriage- although she is highly jealous. Faithful servant memorialized on her favorite bird.
Who is Hera?
"Don't turn around!!! Trust the process!"
Who did not heed the advice?
Who is Orpheus?
Reflections in the water
symbolizes vanity and self-obsession. Narcissus fell in love with himself- causing him to block out all of the essentials- food, water, love, life- and he eventually died.
Is this quote tucked in and cited properly?
As soon as Hermes arrived, "he used his caduceus to lead the fallen warrior to eternal glory" (D'Aulaires pp. 75).
What is: it is tucked in properly but it is not cited correctly. The correct citation is:
As soon as Hermes arrived, "he used his caduceus to lead the fallen warrior to eternal glory" (D'Aulaires 75). No pp
Name two companies/businesses that use Greek names.
If you are stuck- try to come up with a good name on your own!
Amazon, Nike, Poseidon Fish Co., Artemis Outfitters, Hestia Foundation, Titan moving company, Apollo Theater
Goddess of wisdom and diplomacy. Wrathful when mortals challenge her skill. Great weaver.
Who is Athena?
His son asked him to grant the wish of driving his chariot to the sun- that did not turn out well...
Who is Helios?
Pandora's box
All the bad things that happen on earth. Fortunately, Hope is kept inside the box, but Pandora lets great misery out into the world.
What are three tips to writing a great ACE response?
1. use proper names before pronouns
2. use specific examples
3. use complete sentences- read work out loud
4. make sure your quote does not repeat what you have already written
What is a synonym for an odyssey?
What is a journey? a trip? a voyage? I hope you have begun to read this classic tale!!!